How to quickly train a puppy to a litter box in an apartment

How to quickly train a puppy to a litter box in an apartment

You should train your dog to use the litter box only when you do not have the opportunity to regularly walk with it outside. And you need to approach the matter with patience, perseverance and calmness. Plus a couple of tricks – and everything will work out.

To quickly train your puppy to the litter box, take him to the toilet immediately after sleeping or eating.

It was not in vain that we said about patience: it will take time to train your baby to use the toilet. The optimal age for toilet training is 4-5 months. The older the dog, the more difficult the training will go.

First, buy a low-sided tray. To fill it, choose a newspaper or a disposable diaper. Remove carpets and rugs from the floor before bringing your puppy home. And in general, everything where the doggie can go.

See what places your pet chooses for its toilet. He does this relying on instincts. They tell him exactly where to mark his territory. These can be places close to a door, balcony or window. Place the tray there.

There may be several trays at the very beginning. When the puppy has chosen a favorite spot, leave one toilet.

Cover the floor in the room with newspapers. Once your puppy has decided on a place to rest, keep the number of newspapers to a minimum. At first, change the diaper or paper less often: the smell will help the puppy navigate and find his toilet.

If your pet chooses a secluded area, such as a bathroom, provide free access to it. If your puppy has chosen places for the toilet that are not suitable for you, put bowls of water and food there. The dog will not make a toilet where it eats.

Little tricks on how to quickly train your puppy to the litter box

Once you’ve prepared the litter box, start parenting your toddler.

  • As soon as the puppy starts spinning in place and looking for a place to sit, take him to the litter box.

  • After eating and sleeping, place your baby in the litter box as well. Wait for him to do his thing.

  • If the puppy has gone to the litter box, praise him. Reward for an act: give a treat and stroke.

  • If your baby has made a puddle on the floor, blot it with a diaper. Then put the diaper in the tray and bring the offender to this place.

  • If the toddler hasn’t found the toilet and has done his business on the carpet or floor, let him know that this is prohibited. Poke his nose into a puddle and explain your rules in a loud voice. The menacing intonation will help the puppy understand where he was wrong.

Be patient and persistent by following these rules.

A special spray will help train your pet to the litter box. Spray it on a diaper or newspaper. The spray will lure the puppy with its specific scent. Other sprays, on the other hand, scare the baby away from certain places.

Praise your toddler for every successful toilet attempt. Very soon it will become his habit.

By the way

Puppies usually go to the bathroom after eating or playing. This moment can be caught by carefully observing the pet: he will start twisting, sniffing, grunting. If at such moments you pick up the baby and take him to the tray, he will quickly get used to the fact that it is necessary to go there. Well, if the puppy stubbornly does not want to go to the litter box and each time chooses a new place or goes to the toilet too often, it may be worth showing it to a veterinarian or even a zoopsychologist.

It is also interesting to read: why is the toilet dreaming

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