How to quickly teach a child to play chess, to play correctly from scratch

How to quickly teach a child to play chess, to play correctly from scratch

Many parents are thinking about how to teach a child to play chess. This process is not so difficult, the main thing is to be patient and be creative in learning. Then the game will interest the kid and he will easily master the basics of chess battles.

Chess is an amazing game that a child should be introduced to at an early age. Moreover, most pediatricians advise to start learning when the child turns 3 years old. At this age, he is already quite developed and can achieve considerable success in this game. For example, grandmaster A. Karpov learned chess at the age of 4, and Kasparov at the age of 5.

You can teach a child to play chess from a fairly young age.

In addition, early introduction to chess has many advantages. It is noticed that children who are fond of this board game have more developed logical thinking and memory. They are assiduous, purposeful and better assimilate the knowledge gained in the classroom. Moreover, playing chess teaches you to be attentive and collected, as well as the ability to fight to the end and never lose heart if you fail. And these qualities will certainly come in handy in the life of a baby.

How to quickly and correctly teach a child to play chess from scratch

You can quickly teach your kid to play chess in special clubs. But such institutions accept babies who have reached the age of 4. In addition, training is not free, so many parents prefer to introduce their child to chess on their own.

If you decide to teach your baby from scratch at home, then adhere to the following rules:

  • Game battles should take place in a friendly atmosphere.
  • Do not make the game a “duty”, otherwise the baby will soon lose interest in it.
  • Do not be upset if the baby does not immediately understand the basics of the game. Remember that chess is a tricky game, so patiently explain the rules.
  • Try to keep your session no longer than 30 minutes.
  • Do not forget to take short breaks for physical exercises during the game.
  • Be patient and never scold your toddler for mistakes.
  • You don’t need to give in to your child often, otherwise he will get used to quick victories. And the very first defeat will turn him away from chess.
  • Praise him for his achievements, even the smallest ones.
  • Work with your baby at least 2-3 times a week. Then he will not have time to forget the basic rules of the game.

Teaching a child to play chess is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient and try to interest the kid in this amazing game. And then he will learn the basics and after a while will become a worthy rival to you.

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