How to quickly stop bleeding from a cut at home
Everyone should know these first aid rules.
Human hands are great workers. How much they can do, create and craft. At the same time, it is the hands that are more susceptible to negative external influences: cold, hot water and all kinds of cuts. However, not all people know how to properly stop bleeding from a cut.
How do I stop bleeding when I cut my finger?
How do I stop bleeding when I cut my finger?
It all depends on the strength and depth of the cut.
If it is small, then you can stop the flowing blood during a cut like this: the wound is clamped with a cotton swab or clean cloth for about 3 minutes. A baby remedy – plantain leaf will also work. However, the sheet must be clean and not torn off near the motorway.
After the blood has stopped, it is necessary to treat the wound with brilliant green, iodine or hydrogen peroxide, and then seal it with adhesive plaster. The wound can also be treated with soap if no other disinfectant is available.
Healing usually occurs in 3-5 days.
How to stop bleeding when a finger is cut if it is deep?
First of all, you need to keep your hand upright so that the cut is above the level of the heart, then the blood will stop faster.
Here it is also necessary to firmly press a piece of bandage or tissue to the cut, wait until the bleeding stops.
When this happens or the blood flows weaker, you should, if possible, treat the wound and bandage it tightly.
If bleeding continues after 15 minutes, an urgent need to see a doctor.
These methods describe how to stop bleeding at home. In principle, the doctor will use the same methods, only for disinfection he can use special medical formulations. For deep cuts, especially with glass objects, the doctor will check the wound and remove the remaining glass. It often happens that the bleeding does not stop precisely because a foreign object remains in the cut.
How to quickly stop bleeding, treatment and care
It’s not enough just to know how to quickly stop bleeding when you cut. It is important to properly care for the wound for its early healing.
- To do this, with shallow cuts, the adhesive plaster is peeled off the next day so that the wound “breathes”. This is how it gets dragged out as soon as possible.
- When performing any work, the finger is sealed again.
- If the wound is inflamed, it is treated with iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide.
When the cut is deep, dressings should be done every day, be sure to wash the wound with antiseptic solutions. Do not wash the dishes, take a bath, or go to the bathhouse until the wound heals. If urgently needed, gloves or a fingertip should be worn.
Many people in theory know how to stop blood from a finger, but when a cut occurs, they are lost, frightened by the sight of blood. Here it is important to be focused, quickly and clearly stop bleeding, disinfect the wound, seal it with adhesive tape or wrap it with a bandage. If done correctly, cuts usually heal in 3-10 days.
Physician-therapist, author of the book “Nobody but you”, an expert on Channel One, channel “Russia 24”
What to do in case of immediate assistance:
If there is little blood, wash the wound and apply a sterile bandage to avoid infection. If there is a lot of blood, a severe cut, for example, close the wound and apply a pressure bandage. With very severe bleeding, when the artery is damaged and there is a danger of large blood loss, we apply a tourniquet.
The tourniquet is always applied above the wound, for a maximum of 1 hour. Be sure to record the time when the tourniquet was applied. If everything is done correctly, the pulse on the limb is not felt.
The tourniquet is not applied to the area of the limb with two bones – only to the shoulder or thigh.
If the victim has lost a lot of blood, it is necessary to maintain the volume of fluid in the body. Let’s drink 2 to 3 liters of warm, sweet and salty water (1/2 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar per liter). You need to drink it in small sips.
Eduard Matveev, Anna Gerasimenko