How to quickly sober up? Tricks to get back on your feet quickly

Have you ever wanted to sober up very quickly? Were you looking for a way to get back into shape from before the event within a few hours? Unfortunately, we don’t have good news for you. There is no miracle cure to get rid of the effects of a high-water party. It takes time. However, there are ways to make you feel better faster. We present them below.

  1. Some people want to be in shape very quickly after the party and look for ways to sober up
  2. Unfortunately, there is no way to shorten your body’s digestion of alcohol. It all depends on our weight, gender and, above all, the number of drinks consumed
  3. We can only minimize the effects of drinking alcohol, including through proper food, hydration and exercise
  4. However, it is always worth taking advantage of the breathalyzer test, which will show us whether we are already in shape and can get behind the wheel
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Sometimes, after the party, we need to be in shape very quickly, for example, to get in the car. Then we start looking for magical ways to sober up. As we already mentioned, such tricks do not exist. How long alcohol will stay in our body depends, among other things, on our weight, gender, general health, and even whether we drank on an empty stomach or not.

Of course, the number of percentages we have adopted is also the most important. It is estimated that the liver gets rid of 0,15 per mille of alcohol per hour. Therefore, if we have really drunk a lot of drinks, we are not able to speed up the sobering-up process. We can only minimize some discomfort and improve our overall well-being.

How to mitigate the effects of alcohol?

  1. Irrigation

Alcohol dehydrates the body, which causes many side effects. That is why it is so important that we take care of adequate hydration after the party. Interestingly, we can do it during the party. It is enough to wash down each glass or glass of alcohol with a glass of water.

  1. Resignation from carbonated drinks

If we’re already talking about what we can do at the party to minimize the hangover the next day, we should mention the types of alcohol. It is worth giving up the carbonated ones, for example champagne or beer. The bubbles make the alcohol absorbed faster by the body. This, in turn, leads to faster drunkenness and worse side effects the next day.

  1. Carbohydrates

It’s a good idea to eat a solid meal before the party. When drinking alcohol, we should also reach for various snacks. It’s good if they contain a lot of carbohydrates. “Eating high-carbohydrate foods lowers the blood alcohol ratio and slows down its absorption,” says Dr. Siddiqui. According to a 2012 review in the Clinical Liver Disease, meals high in fat, protein or carbohydrate delay gastric emptying and thus reduce the amount of alcohol absorbed.

  1. Exercises

We know that the last thing you think about after a party is training. However, it is still worth considering some physical activity. This is because exercise makes the blood flow faster through the liver. As a consequence, it is able to remove all toxins in a shorter time.

Do you want to speed up cleansing your body?

Try the Swanson Kudzu supplement. This plant is also used as an addictive treatment aid.

  1. Seks

This is probably one of the most pleasant ways to sober up faster. Research from the universities of Sydney and Regensburg shows that the oxytocin that our body produces during intercourse helps faster heal motor and brain functions that are affected by alcohol.

Remember that even if you feel fine after the party, it doesn’t mean that the alcohol has completely evaporated from your body. Before you sit behind the wheel, for example, it is worth doing a breathalyzer test. Thanks to this, you will be sure that you are in shape and will not create a hazard on the road. You can buy AlcoTEST, i.e. testing the alcohol content in the exhaled air, at

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