How to quickly sober up from alcohol using improvised means

Sometimes, at the most inopportune moment, circumstances require a transition from a state of intoxication to a clear consciousness, the ability to act meaningfully. Next, I will tell you what you need to do to quickly sober up after vodka, beer or other alcoholic drinks. We will use only improvised means that are available at home and in nature.

Theory. Sobering up is minimizing the effect of alcohol on the brain to a state where a person adequately perceives reality and can solve tasks for some time (maximum 40-45 minutes), for example, drive a car in an emergency. Further, the drunk needs rest and sleep, attempts to bring him to his senses again will not give a result.

Only special efferent (quickly removing alcohol from the body) drugs that are used only in specialized drug treatment clinics allow you to sober up in a couple of minutes. All other methods begin to act after 15-20 minutes and do not remove the fume (smell from the mouth).

In a critical situation, the company must choose the right person who is able to sober up faster than others. Not necessarily it will be the one who drank the least. In drunken men, psycho-emotional disorders first appear (slurred speech, mood swings), and only then motor skills (movements) fail, in women – on the contrary. This means that a man is better suited to manage a complex device, a woman is better suited for negotiations. If it is noticed that in a drunken state a person does not feel pain, it is better to choose someone else to sober up, even if he drank more.

Fast sobering technology

To get the effect, I advise you to perform all the steps in the specified sequence.

1. Induce vomiting. This is necessary so that the remnants of alcohol in the stomach are not absorbed into the blood. In extreme cases, you can chew a few tablets of activated charcoal and drink them with a glass of clean cold water without gas, but activated charcoal does not work as effectively as vomiting.

Next, you need to sniff ammonia or another volatile liquid with a sharp unpleasant odor 1-2 times. If the drunk is unconscious, it is with ammonia that they begin to bring him to his senses and only then cleanse the stomach.

2. Wash with cold water. Short-term cooling activates the protective functions of the body, stimulates blood flow and invigorates. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Bathing in ice water and rubbing with snow is fraught with hypothermia, because a drunk person does not feel cold.

If there are no chronic diseases, it is better to take a contrast shower. First, rinse yourself with water at a pleasant temperature, then make the water hot and pour over the whole body for 20-30 seconds, without staying in one place for a long time, then let cold water in, stand for 60 seconds, then a quick hot shower and finally cold again.

How to quickly sober up from alcohol using improvised means
A contrast shower is sobering

3. Drink a mug of strong brewed tea or coffee. These drinks stimulate the nervous system and are a natural diuretic that removes alcohol from the blood faster. If a person has heart problems, tea is recommended. After 15 minutes, repeat the procedure. Between coffee (tea) you should try to drink as much water or juice as possible.

Attention! The body of a drunk person is dehydrated, so the use of pharmaceutical diuretics is contraindicated and can be harmful to health.

4. Get out into the fresh air. Ventilation of the lungs along with increased oxygen intake brings the body to life faster. Healthy people are recommended short-term (5-10 minutes) intense physical activity with sweating and a double increase in heart rate. For example, you can shake the press or go for a run.

5. Tighten your mind. Quick sobering up largely depends on the activity of brain processes, which can be stimulated by meaningful conversation, solving arithmetic problems, solving crossword puzzles, reading poems to memory. At first glance it seems strange, but mental activity helps.

How to quickly sober up from alcohol using improvised means
Extreme way…

After completing the desired task, a person should refrain from further drinking and sleep for at least 5-6 hours. Remember that sobering up is not the removal of alcohol from the body, although it largely depends on it.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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