Fluid retention in the body can spoil anyone’s mood. Especially during weight loss, when every gram counts. Edema masks weight loss and reduces motivation. Often, the body accumulates fluid due to the disease. Then the only way to get rid of puffiness is to cure the disease. Quick methods of removing excess water give short-term results, but they are worth looking at if you lose weight.
Why should the liquid be removed?
A well-known specialist in nutrition and fitness Lyle McDonald claims that the basis of weight loss is a mechanism that is tied not only to burning fat, but also to getting rid of water.
Fat cells are made up of glycerol and fatty acids. A calorie deficit due to nutrition and exercise causes fatty acids to leave fat cells, which allows us to use them as energy (a calorizer). Glycerin remains in the cell. It attracts water, which temporarily fills the place of fatty acids. When water is removed from the cells, we can observe a decrease in body weight and volume. It is stupid to wait only for a minus on the scale, but it is important to create conditions to see this minus.
The problem with losing weight is that fluid retention is a constant companion of calorie restriction. The tougher the diet, the more severe the swelling. Some people who lose weight may feel that weight and volume are standing still. Therefore, the diet should be comfortable, and the water should be removed in a timely manner.
Ways to remove excess water from the body
There are many quick methods that help to cope with puffiness. These are spa treatments, refid, stress reduction, salt reduction, drinking regime, inclusion in the diet of products with a diuretic effect.
Spa treatments and cosmetology
Spa treatments and cosmetology (massage, salt baths, wraps, sauna, LPG massage, etc.)-spas offer many treatments to get rid of accumulated water, and some of them can be carried out at home. Even doctors recommend that people suffering from puffiness regularly take a contrast shower and massage. However, the effect of spa treatments does not last long. If the water retention was caused by an incorrect drinking regime, excess salt, chronic stress, kidney, heart, vascular diseases, or hormonal disorders, the liquid will return back.
According to expert Martin Berkhahn, refid helps to remove excess water from the body. He recommends that you first train your entire body muscles in 2-4 sets and 12-15 repetitions for each exercise to deplete the glycogen stores in your muscles. For refid, the expert recommends choosing starchy foods – pasta, potatoes, bread, rice. On this day, you need to reduce your fat intake, and calculate carbohydrates based on 4-6 g per kilogram of fat-free body weight.
Stress reduction
Stress reduction-healthy sleep, relaxation, walking in the fresh air and a favorite hobby help relieve the nervous system and reduce cortisol, an excess of which causes fluid retention. According to Martin Berkhahn, instead of doing HIIT, do low-intensity cardio. The body perceives low-intensity cardio as an activity that does not require significant effort.
Salt reduction
Salt reduction – the daily norm of salt is 5 g per day, when most people eat 3-4 times more. Avoid salty snacks, canned food, salted cheese, sausages, semi-finished products, homemade pickles, sauerkraut, salted fish, store-bought sauces, rye bread – these products contain a large amount of salt. Do not add salt to your food at the table and pay attention to how much salt you add during cooking.
Normalization of the drinking regime
Normalization of the drinking regime-gradually reach the norm of water consumption and try to drink the same amount daily.
Inclusion in the diet of products with a diuretic effect. These include lemon, ginger, celery, tomato, cucumber, herbs, radish, eggplant, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit. These products contain a lot of water, so they have diuretic properties. Diuretic effect is famous for various types of tea, cranberry juice, cocoa.
The approach to removing excess fluid from the body should be comprehensive (calorizator). If you limit yourself only to diuretic products, then you can not wait for the effect, as if you take salt baths daily, but abuse salty food. There will be no effect, even if you do everything at once, but ignore the disorders in the kidneys, heart and other important organs. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find the cause of puffiness and eliminate it.