How to quickly remember the location of the planets of the solar system?

Hello dear blog readers! The formation of the solar system began a little over 4,5 billion years ago after the explosion of stars, as well as the formation of a cloud of gas and dust. Today, there are eight planets that revolve around the Sun.

Since 1930, there has been a ninth, Pluto, but in 2006, scientists moved it to minor planets, which are also called dwarf planets. Although there is an opinion that soon she will be returned back to the «honorary» list.

Let’s see how it will be, but for now I want to share with you the material on how to remember the planets, so as not only to quickly list their names, but also to maintain the order of location. Namely, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.


Figurative memory

First of all, let’s try to use associations for better assimilation of information. You can close your eyes and try to observe the images that arise in connection with a particular planet.

I will give an example to make it clearer. Yes, and perhaps the associations I invented will respond to you:

Mercury — he is so beautiful that everything around just fades;

Venus is an ancient Greek sculpture, whose hands have not survived to this day;

Earth is a blue-green-brown ball;

Mars — chocolate bar;

Jupiter — powder «Yuppi»;

Saturn is an alien with this name;

Uranium is a chemical element from the periodic table;

Neptune is the god of the sea.


Make up a story based on your associations. For children, this method is the most suitable, their imagination is still quite stormy and without restrictions, unlike adults.

You can even try to write a story together, which will not only improve your cognitive abilities, but also strengthen the bond between you. It is precisely such moments together with parents, if they are of course pleasant, and not from the field of punishment, that remain in memory for many years.

In the absence of children or a desire for them to devote time to this process, try to come up with some rather unusual story on your own.

Based on my associative series, the story will look something like this:

Beautiful Mercury met Venus and fell in love. He gave her an unusual blue-green-brown ball, and then treated her to a Mars chocolate bar and a Yuppie drink. But an alien «Saturn» appeared, who had an unusual element of Uranus and beat off the beauty without arms. To which he seemed just a god, for example, the seas and oceans.

How to quickly remember the location of the planets of the solar system?

Cicero’s method

It is named after the great orator Mark Tulia, who used it quite actively to memorize his speeches.

Thanks to this method, a person gets the opportunity to memorize a whole series of words in order, and quite easily and without any tricks. You just need to imagine the room in which you spend the most time. Someone has a bedroom, someone has a kitchen or office, and so on. Or maybe in general, it will not be one room, but a whole house.

Decide in what sequence and from where exactly you will start moving. For example, from the window to the bedroom doors. What items do you have in their places for years? Let’s say first a desk, then an armchair, a bed, a wardrobe, and so on.

In general, select 8 pieces of furniture and name each of them a planet. Then at any time you can remember the sequence, simply by imagining the location of the furniture in the bedroom.

You can learn more about Cicero’s method from this article.

Attaching numbers

Your task is to endow each image with numbers. Just visualize one against Mercury, two against Venus, and so on.

Or you can try to imagine the numbers themselves in colors that actually have celestial bodies, the order of which you want to learn. Color them and hang them in a visible place for a while.

Mercury — gray;

Venus — yellow-white;

Earth — light blue with white patches;

Mars — red-orange;

Jupiter — orange with white stripes;

Saturn — light yellow;

Uranus and Neptune are light blue

Phrases by first letters

Again, you have to dream up, or use existing phrases. Remember the short rhyme in which all the colors of the rainbow are encrypted? About the hunter and the pheasant? The same principle can be applied to the planets. For example, my version looks like this:

We All Know Yulia the Mouse Ate Chickpeas in the Morning


And to make it even easier to remember all the planets, I recommend studying an easy rhyme that even children can do:

An astrologer lived on the moon

He kept a record of the planets:

Mercury — times

Venus — two-s

Three — Earth

Four — Mars

Five — Jupiter

Six — Saturn

Seven — Uranus

Eight — Neptune


In order to avoid problems with memory, it must be trained. Regardless of how well it works for you.

After all, development should be a continuous process throughout a person’s life. You will find the most effective methods for strengthening it, by clicking on this link.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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