How to quickly recover from the flu?

How to quickly recover from the flu?

It is known for certain that the state of human health depends on the level of immune protection. It is immunity that is a natural barrier to viruses and bacteria, which constantly strive to populate the body.

Even such a serious infectious disease as the flu can only cause mild discomfort if the immune system is fully functional. However, not every person’s internal protection is able to independently overcome the flu and cope with the consequences of the disease.

Influenza acquires the character of a pandemic almost every year, it happens in the winter months. In this case, there may be several outbreaks during the year. Severe forms of influenza are common among young children, the elderly, and those whose health is weakened by various chronic diseases.

Influenza can be complicated by the following conditions:

  • Purulent sinusitis;

  • Neuritis of the auditory nerve;

  • Pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis;

  • Inflammation of the middle ear.

One of the most common complications is pneumonia. After the consequences of the flu are eliminated by the body itself, or with the help of certain therapy, the state of the immune system is disturbed.

A person feels weakness, weakness, quickly gets tired. This is not surprising, because in the fight against a pathogenic virus, not only the immune system, but also the nervous system suffered.

As a result, a person experiences:

  • Drowsiness;

  • premature fatigue;

  • Constant weakness;

  • Nervousness, irascibility, anxiety;

  • Decreased appetite.

Quite a logical question that confronts every person concerns how to quickly recover from the flu.

The following recommendations will allow you to easily return the lost form:

  1. Psychological balance. It is important that a person does not experience the negative impact of stress factors. The more positive his mood, the more comfortable he feels, the faster the recovery process will go. This is especially true for residents of large cities.

    To achieve psychological balance, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Rid your environment of people who carry negativity. Spend more time with family. Avoid contact with people who cause negative emotions;

    • Take breaks from work as often as possible;

    • To emerging stressful situations, which can not be completely avoided anyway, be treated more calmly.

    No wonder they say – all diseases are from nerves. Indeed, the nervous system is of great importance in the work of the body, because it unites it into a single whole, it is a kind of performer who transmits commands on how and what to react to. Therefore, it is very important to support her work and provide everything necessary, especially after an illness.

  2. Get enough sleep. You need to go to bed no later than 22 hours. When a person’s sleep is strong, then the body recovers much faster. You should take care of the cleanliness of the air in advance. If you have a humidifier and air purifier, then you must use them before you go to bed.

  3. Massage. Foot massage allows you to increase immune strength, cheer up, relax and improve your well-being. To do this, you can use the services of a massage therapist or perform a massage yourself by purchasing special massagers, for example, the Kuznetsov applicator.

    It has been proven that on the feet there are points responsible for the functioning of all human organs, as well as many nerve endings. The impact on them has a positive effect on health if it is carried out systematically. The first effect can be seen already after 10 days of continuous massage.

  4. affirmations. Affirmations are a system of psychological influence on one’s own consciousness. To conduct audio training, it is necessary to think over in advance a few phrases that carry a positive attitude.

    In this case, the phrases should relate to human health, for example:

    How to quickly recover from the flu?

    • I quickly recover from illness.

    • I am calm and positive.

    • My immune system is functioning perfectly.

    • I love people and people love me.

    • My health is strong, my body quickly returns to normal.

    If you regularly pronounce prepared phrases, then this will definitely have a positive effect on human health, your well-being will improve, and the nervous system will return to normal. You should independently convince yourself that there is nothing more important than your own health: no troubles within the family and at work should cause serious feelings that affect immunity.

  5. Aqua procedures. Water has a positive effect on the state of the body, so if possible, you should visit the pool, swim in open water. If this is not possible, then you can arrange water procedures at home by taking a bath with sea salt, a contrast shower. Another way to increase your immunity and improve your well-being is to visit the bath. Of course, if there are no contraindications to this procedure.

  6. Physical exercise. After 7-14 days after the illness, you can gradually start playing sports. Start with long walks. If a person went in for sports before the illness, then the discontinued training should be resumed.

    Yoga, bodyflex has a good tonic effect. Dancing lifts the spirits. If it is not possible to attend special classes, then you can do physical labor in the open air, working, for example, in the garden.

  7. Wholesome nutrition, vitamin intake. You need to eat in such a way as to cover the daily human need for vitamins and minerals, but at the same time do not load the body.

    As for synthetic vitamins, they should be treated with caution and taken only after consulting a doctor. The grocery set must necessarily include products such as vegetables, fruits, greens, protein foods, fresh juices, boiled fish and meat, sour-milk products, whole grain pastries, bread, bran bread and green tea.

  8. Compliance with the drinking regime. You need to drink a lot, and the main drink should be ordinary clean water. It allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body, to cope with the negative phenomena that occur after the disease. To replenish fluid reserves, half an hour before the start of the meal, you should drink a glass of water.

    If there are no contraindications, then you can use various medicinal fees, vitamin decoctions and teas. You can use remedies such as lemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea. You can start taking immunomodulators only after consulting a doctor.

  9. Recipe for Immunity Restoration. To prepare a useful remedy, you will need ginger, honey and lemon. If ginger was bought in a store, then it must first be soaked for an hour. This will dissolve in water all the harmful substances with which it has been processed. Then the citrus fruit and ginger are crushed with a blender and mixed with honey. This useful mass can be added to tea or desserts.

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