How to quickly recognize kleptomania?

Kleptomania is a mental disorder in which a variety of things are repeatedly stolen. However, a kleptomaniac does not steal food because he is hungry, or clothes because he needs it — he appropriates other things for himself only for the purpose of such an action. Learn about kleptomania, find out what causes it, and learn how to recognize it and what treatments can be offered for kleptomania.

How to quickly recognize kleptomania?



Kleptomania was first described a long time ago, at the beginning of the 19th century. This term is derived from two Greek words: «klepto» (to steal) and «mania» (insane desire). This is the whole kleptomania — this problem is connected with the unbridled need to commit various thefts.

Although kleptomania has been talked about for a long time, it still causes a lot of controversy — in the same way that some authors classify it as a mental disorder (where it is among disorders of habit and impulse control, such as pathological gambling or pyromania), others argue that theft is just theft and that the offense should not be explained by the presence of a mental disorder in the person.


Causes of kleptomania

There are at least a few different theories as to what causes kleptomania. Among them, various psychological theories predominate. Here, as an example, we can cite, for example, the psychodynamic approach, according to which a kleptomaniac who has undertaken theft will somehow fill the void that exists in his psyche (the origins of which may lie even in some difficult events from his childhood).

Psychodynamic theory also suggests that kleptomania may, in a sense, represent a defense mechanism — thefts and the emotions associated with them will prevent a person from experiencing various unpleasant (and, above all, unwanted) emotions and feelings.

The causes of kleptomania, according to cognitive behavioral therapists, can be different. Such experts believe that with subsequent thefts, the problem is exacerbated. Then, when a kleptomaniac appropriates other people’s things, this is accompanied — at least initially — by pleasant sensations. If a he will not be punished for this, the so-called positive reinforcement: the exercise is beneficial and therefore repeated again and again later.

How to quickly recognize kleptomania?


However, there are biological theories as to why people might develop kleptomania. They were mainly obtained from the analysis of the effectiveness of drugs that are administered to patients suffering from kleptomania. Well, drugs that affect the level of neurotransmitters in the brain can bring good results in kleptomaniacs.

Speaking about the symptoms of kleptomania, it is important to remember which thefts cannot be considered part of the disease. Typical symptoms that can be used to diagnose kleptomania are:

  1. cyclic assignment of objects separated in time (individual cases cannot be considered a disease),
  2. the spontaneous appearance of an attraction to theft and the inability to resist it,
  3. the tension that accompanies the incident, which after the fact is replaced by pleasure, relief and satisfaction,
  4. concealment of symptoms and constant feeling of shame,
  5. fear of theft.

How to quickly recognize kleptomania?

Kleptomania and patterns of theft

According to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association), kleptomania usually follows one of three stealing patterns:

  • with short episodes of theft with periodic and long periods of remission,
  • with longer periods of theft with short periods of remission,
  • continuous episodes of theft with small fluctuations in frequency.

Most often, kleptomania is diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist on the basis of an interview and the results of properly selected tests that exclude disorders that better describe the patient’s condition.

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