How to quickly pump up the press. Training videos
The belly is one of the most problematic areas of the female body. It is necessary to gain a little, as the belly loses its elasticity, and the waist quickly swells with fat. Especially often, the problem of a protruding tummy worries women who have recently given birth. In order to restore elasticity to the abdomen in a short time, an integrated approach is needed.
How to quickly pump up the press. Training videos
Exercises to Burn Belly Fat
One way to effectively and quickly lose belly fat is to do a daily workout routine.
Start the workout with 20 forward bends of the body, 20 rotations of the hips with the abdomen pulled in, 50-90 jumps on both legs. Then move on to the exercises.
Exercise “Scissors”. To do it, lie on your back, place your palms under the buttocks, and raise your legs straight up. Slowly lower your right leg to the floor, then lift, repeat the action with your left leg. Do the exercise 20 times.
Exercise “Rock climber”. Accept push-ups. Sharply pull your knees to your chest: first the right, then the left, trying not to bend in the lower back. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Exercise “Vacuum”. Take a position on all fours, leaning on your knees and palms, keep your back straight. Exhale, relax, then pull in your stomach as much as possible. Without holding your breath, freeze with your stomach drawn in for 15-20 seconds, then relax. Repeat 20-25 times.
Exercise “Raising the legs from a sitting position.” Sit on a chair, straighten up, pull in your abs and grab the seat with your hands. Pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, actively working with the abdominal muscles. Do it 20 times.
In addition to the exercises described, twisting the hoop, swimming, running helps to make the stomach flat and elastic.
At first, the girls, most likely, will not be able to complete the entire complex completely. In this case, you need to reduce the number of repetitions. Exercises must be done as correctly as possible – this is the only way they will be effective.
Diet is needed to quickly form a firm belly at home. To speed up fat burning, eat often, every 3-3,5 hours, but little by little. Drink at least 1,5 liters of clean water a day. Give up alcohol, starchy foods, sweets and coffee. Include more negative calorie foods in your diet: oranges, apples, grapefruits, cabbage, cucumbers.
Sample diet menu:
- breakfast – a boiled egg, a dried slice of whole grain bread
- second breakfast – 2 apples or 2 oranges
- lunch – vegetable salad, 250 g of boiled chicken breast or 250 g of boiled low-fat fish
- afternoon snack – 300 g of vegetable soup
- dinner – 200-250 g of boiled or grilled veal
Staying at home as little as possible can help you fight the temptation to snack more effectively. Walk, ride a bike, visit exhibitions, museums, theaters, chat with friends.
Massage your belly. To do this, apply a little massage cream or cosmetic oil on it and gently pinch and knead the fat folds with your fingers for 10-15 minutes.
Try not to stretch the skin when massaging!
Use body wraps or masks. They help restore skin elasticity and speed up fat burning. For wraps and masks, blue clay, honey, seaweed, and coffee grounds are suitable.
Tune in to a positive outcome. Think positively, imagine the desired shapes more often, and you will very quickly find a flat and firm belly!
Also interesting to read: the healing properties of grapes.