How to quickly peel squid, video
There are many ways to prepare squid dishes. They are stewed, fried, baked, stuffed. Experienced housewives constantly pamper their households and guests with exquisite dishes from this sea creature. But many women do not know how to peel squid and do not prepare this product. In fact, the process is not as terrible as it might seem, and you can clean the carcass very quickly.
How to quickly peel squid?
Most Russian housewives rarely manage to buy fresh squid in the store, as a rule, we bring them home frozen. If, nevertheless, you managed to find a fresh marine life, then first of all you need to rinse it and cut off its head, slashing it with a knife next to the squid’s eyes. The insides are easily removed if, grasping the chord, pull it towards you with one hand, while holding the body of the squid with the other.
The most difficult moment for housewives is how to quickly clean squid from films. This sea creature has a thin and thick layer of skin, which is long and difficult to remove without knowing tricky secrets. There are 2 ways to do this:
- defrosting squid and dipping it in boiling water;
- arrange a “contrast bath” of hot and cold water for a marine inhabitant.
From a sharp change in hot and cold temperatures, the skin separates itself from the carcass, and you just have to remove it completely.
How to quickly peel squid?
Since fresh squids are rarely found in our stores, we will learn how to quickly peel frozen ones. This is a finished carcass, from which entrails and films need to be removed.
- Remove the squid from the freezer and leave to defrost completely.
- Remove the insides.
- Boil water in a saucepan and prepare a bowl of cold water.
- Using a slotted spoon, immerse the squid in boiling water for a few seconds and immediately transfer to cold water.
- Fresh squid can simply be doused with boiling water for the same effect.
After contrasting procedures, the skin on the squid carcass will burst and wrinkle. Now just pull the rags, and they will obediently slide off the carcass.
You may find it even easier to handle the marine life after watching a video on how to peel squid.
If everything worked out and you have a peeled squid in front of you, then start cooking it. Please note that after contact with boiling water, the cooking time of seafood will be slightly reduced, and if you digest the squid, it will become tough and tasteless.