How to quickly peel kiwi: video
Kiwi is undoubtedly a healthy exotic fruit that can compensate for the lack of vitamins and substances necessary for the body. Plus, it’s delicious and has a funny look. However, this hairy skin of his is very problematic to clean. Therefore, it is worth learning how to quickly peel kiwi from it. After all, this skin gets in the way when you want to enjoy the fruit.
How to quickly peel a kiwi fruit?
The most common and common way to peel a kiwi is to cut the skin with a knife. As boring as it sounds. But it’s pretty simple if you know a couple of secrets when cleaning:
- for a start, the kiwi should be thoroughly washed with soap and running water. Including his “butt”;
- then find a knife with a serrated blade – this will make it much easier to cut the skin;
- take a kiwi in your left hand, a knife in your right;
- slightly pick up the skin with a knife and begin to remove it in the same way as when peeling potatoes. But you cannot squeeze the fruit with a knife or fingers! It is much softer than potatoes, and does not need extra pressure.
Be careful when cleaning with a knife. Carelessness will deprive the skin of the pulp. But this is the easiest way to peel kiwi. Because unusual methods cannot be applied immediately. We’ll have to pre-practice.
Original methods for peeling kiwi
As soon as they did not scoff at this unfortunate fruit wishing to get to its pulp. From here, unusual ways to peel kiwi appeared, videos of which can be found all over the Internet. The most effective or convenient are only two. But there are enough of them to enjoy a delicious fruit without extra hairs on it. The methods are as follows:
- the first unusual way is to simply pick out all the pulp from the cut fruit with a spoon;
- to do this, you need to divide it into two parts across, and then stick a teaspoon on the edge (or dessert, if the kiwi is large);
- then turn clockwise, cutting out all the pulp;
- if something remains on the walls, you can always pick it up with a spoon.
Or cut off both “butts” from the kiwi and insert a spoon on one side, tearing the pulp from the skin in the same way:
- the second method, for which you will need an ordinary knife and a glass;
- you just need to cut the kiwi lengthwise, from “butt” to “butt”, and then attach it with the lower edge to a glass, the diameter of which is not much larger than the kiwi itself;
- then just cut the pulp from the peel, while being careful not to tear the peel.
In both cases, a lot of juice will be released from the pulp damaged by the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to put a plate on the work surface in order to then drink this juice.