It is important to know how to quickly peel the herring so that the salty snack does not spoil the unpleasant crunch of the bones. A variety of dishes are prepared from herring fillets. It’s easy to prepare pulp for salads and pâtés in minutes. Any housewife can learn this.
It is recommended to cook the fillet yourself, and not use the store version. Then it is guaranteed to be of high quality and fresh. When buying a whole fish, it is imperative to sniff and inspect. Many manufacturers use chemical compounds to dissolve seeds. Homemade fillet does not contain chemicals and harmful ingredients. In addition, buying a whole fish will cost several times less.
Knowing how to quickly peel a herring is good for making delicious fillets
When self-cleaning herring, the acrid smell of salted fish is unpleasant. It is best to prepare thin nitrile gloves in advance to protect your hands. They are purchased at the pharmacy. Wear an apron to protect your clothes. The cutting board is wrapped with paper or a thick layer of cling film. After the end of cutting, it is thrown away.
You can get rid of the unpleasant smell with lemon juice and cold water. In warm water, it will become sharper. Cooked fillets are stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic wrap or container.
It is important to properly prepare the herring for ridge removal. This is done in several stages:
- rinse the fish thoroughly in running water and then dry it;
- cut off the head;
- cut the abdomen and then remove the giblets and lower fins;
- rinse the gutted fish;
- in the abdominal part, cut off thin strips of meat containing small bones;
- make an incision along the ridge and remove the upper fin;
- remove the skin with a sharp knife.
Fillet preparation begins with the removal of the tail. Then the thumb moves along the base of the ridge from top to bottom. As a result, one half of the fillet will be ready, and the other will quickly be cleared of rib bones.
In the Far Eastern regions, the simplest fillet production method is used, which does not require preparation. To do this, you need to take the fish with both hands by the different halves of the tail. In the air, a circular motion is made in the direction away from you. While the fish finishes its turn, it is torn into two parts with a sharp movement. As a result, one half is pitted, and the ridge is easily removed from the other. It remains only to trim the ends of the tail.
Self-peeled herring is tastier and better quality. It’s worth taking your time.