How to quickly lose weight with a pegan diet: the meaning of a new nutrition system

What you need to know about a diet that is becoming more popular every day.

No matter how much doctors say that the best diet is proper and balanced nutrition, every day there are still new nutrition systems that promise incredible results and rapid weight loss. One of today’s trends is peganism. Let’s figure out what this means together with the experts.

Endocrinologist and nutritionist, geneticist at the Atlas Medical Center.

Vegetarianism involves the rejection of food of animal origin, and the paleo diet seeks to return a person to the “ancient” diet, that is, to the foods that our ancestors supposedly ate, primarily meat, fish and poultry. However, the main tenet of the paleo diet is to minimize food processing, so this diet does not exclude plant foods. Supporters of the paleo diet have to give up dairy products, sugar, grains.

The meaning of diet

“Peganism is supposed to take the best of each diet to create a balanced and healthy diet. The basis of the diet is protein foods and unprocessed vegetables and fruits. During the day, you should adhere to the 5-4-3-2-1 rule, ”explains Larisa Bavykina.

During the day, a person should eat:

  • 5 servings of vegetables (excluding root vegetables);

  • 4 servings of carbohydrates: fruits and cereals (except wheat);

  • 3 servings of protein: fish, chicken, eggs, lean beef;

  • 2 servings of mono- and polyunsaturated fats: avocados, nuts;

  • 1 serving of soy or almond milk.

Expert opinion on diet

“The main advantages of the diet are low sugar consumption, a large amount of dietary fiber, refusal from products containing pesticides, antibiotics and hormones,” notes Larisa Bavykina.

Dr. Elkin agrees with the nutritionist. “While veganism and the paleo diet are still criticized for their dubious health benefits, the new eating system looks balanced enough that it could be a good start for some for some healthy habits. It is also very similar to the Mediterranean diet, which is characterized by the consumption of large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of meat and fish. It is considered the most balanced and healthy. “

Will this diet help you lose weight?

“The likelihood of this is very high, since peganism involves giving up industrial sugar, semi-finished products and junk food, but it limits the consumption of many foods that the body needs to replenish its reserves of vitamins and minerals,” says Larisa Byvakina.

Should you follow a trendy diet?

Founder of the Dr. Elkin Health Center, creator of the author’s health improvement method.

– You need to understand how much you need it. Why give up some products (for example, dairy) if you love them since childhood and tolerate them perfectly? And if for health reasons you are prohibited from any dietary restrictions or any foods? I recommend that you first consult with a nutritionist and not prescribe yourself the fashionable diets you like.

You can lose weight from any diet. The main thing is that the number of calories entered is 2 times less than the number of excreted ones. Before you follow the fashion in matters of nutrition, it is better to establish your lifestyle, stop eating late, follow regular physical activity – and, perhaps, over time, there will be no need for any diet at all.

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