How to quickly lose weight by 10 kg. Video reviews

How to quickly lose weight by 10 kg. Video reviews

Losing weight fast is not the best option for those who want to look and feel healthy. But what if there is a couple of weeks left before a trip to the sea or before some important event, and you urgently need to lose 10 kilograms?

How to lose weight quickly

Before you start getting rid of the hated fat and extra centimeters, learn a few axioms. First, the faster a person loses weight, the more unstable the result. It is possible that the dropped kilograms will quickly return and bring “friends” with them. Secondly, if you lose more than 0,5-1 kilograms per week, muscle mass is lost along with subcutaneous fat. Thirdly, a decrease in calorie content slows down metabolic processes.

The body adjusts itself to keep the fat “armor” by all means

Reducing the amount of fat consumed is the very first advice given by nutritionists. But it is also impossible to do without fat at all. A reasonable compromise must be found. Instead of frying the chicken wings in a large amount of oil in a skillet, try baking a whole chicken in your sleeve using the oven. It is better not to season salads with mayonnaise, since even dietary and low-calorie types of it contain a lot of unhealthy fat. But for high-quality olive oil as a salad dressing, your body will only say thank you.

Secret # 2: Cut out sweet and savory

All sweets, pastries, cakes, buns and the like are sources of so-called fast carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, galactose). When these foods are consumed, these carbohydrates are absorbed and processed at lightning speed. This happens so quickly that the brain does not have time to receive the saturation signal. Glucose and fructose increase the production of insulin, which is exactly responsible for creating the fat layer. If you cannot live without sugar, replace your usual desserts with dried fruits, marmalade and honey. But here, too, you should know when to stop! Salt delays the removal of fluid from the body, so it is also better to refuse it.

As a last resort, add a little salt to ready-made dishes, but never add salt during cooking.

Secret number 3: maximum natural products

Refined foods are doing a disservice if you want to lose weight quickly. We are talking about chips, carbonated drinks, canned food, juices, compotes and even pasta. In general, most supermarket products contain a variety of flavor enhancers, preservatives, and other additives. Some allow you to keep food fresh for a long time, others are designed to trick your brain into claiming that you are eating delicious food. The more fresh, natural, and unprocessed foods in your diet, the better.

Secret # 4: Down with Carbohydrates

To quickly get rid of a few centimeters at the waist and hips, excluding carbohydrates from the diet will help. This activates the removal of fluid from the body. However, carbohydrates are energy. Deficiency of these nutrients for a long time will result in apathy and depression.

This is a shock method that cannot be used all the time.

Secret # 5: movement is life

To quickly lose 10 kg, you need active training. Moreover, they should not be aimed at building muscle, but at burning adipose tissue. All kinds of cardio loads and aerobics are perfect for this. You should train at least 4 times a week. It is better if you break the lesson into parts: half an hour in the morning and the same in the evening.

Secret # 6: water is the basis of everything

The more water you drink, the more hormones your adrenal glands produce. It is these hormones that help burn fat. It is advisable to drink 1-2 glasses of water 20 minutes before each meal, a liter and a half during training and some more during the day.

Dr. Batmanghelidj in his book “Your body asks for water” recommends to calculate the daily dose as follows: multiply 30 g of water by the body weight in kilograms

Your main drink should be just plain non-carbonated water, not mineral water, black or green tea.

Remember that all these secrets are emergency measures when you need to lose 10 kg in a month or less. Constant adherence to these recommendations can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and body systems, which will affect your physical and emotional health.

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