How to quickly lose weight by 10 kg. Video

How to quickly lose weight by 10 kg. Video

In their quest to quickly lose 10 kg, many girls are ready to go to the end, while choosing the shortest and most extreme way – express diets. At the same time, they do not take into account that neither youth nor health can become a guarantee of the safety of such diets, even if popular pop stars are involved in their advertising.

How fast can I lose weight on 10 kg?

What Happens to Your Body During a Fast Diet

Regardless of whether you choose an express diet or even just start starving, which is the same, the same changes will occur in your body during these 5-10 days. Since all these diets are based not only on the complete elimination of any foods, but also on the mandatory sharp reduction in calories consumed. From the very first day, you will start to eat much less than usual. And from the same day, restructuring will begin in the body.

In the first 2-3 days, the energy deficit will begin to be replenished at the expense of muscle tissue – it contains the most accessible source of energy – protein glycogen. Since this is a starchy compound that contains water, liquid will begin to be consumed along with it.

It is on these days that you will be happy to notice that you are losing 700-800 and even more grams daily

But after a while, weight loss will sharply decrease: the reserves of glycogen and water in the body have dried up, he is faced with the need to open “reserve stores” – fat reserves. But the prolonged calorie deficit is perceived by the body as an ordinary hunger, which came out of nowhere, and it is not known when it will all end. Naturally, the organism, which is able to adapt to any extreme situations as much as possible in order to survive, begins to change. No, not externally, but imperceptibly for you, rebuilding the work of internal organs, and primarily the work of the endocrine system, which produces hormones. They are the regulators of all the processes that take place in your body, from hair growth to sexual function.

By changing the amount of hormones produced, it slows down the metabolism.

Fat-burning enzymes – lipopropein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase – are produced less, and the fat cells themselves reduce the production of leptin – it is a certain amount of it that serves as a signal to the brain that you are full

Since less leptin is produced, you feel hungry all the time. In addition, the production of fat-burning hormones, which the thyroid gland normally generates, is almost completely stopped. Fat stores are therefore less affected than muscle tissue, another source of vital energy.

When after 5-10 days, having lost proteins and water, your body returns to its usual way of eating, it needs some more time to rebuild again. It is good if he manages to do this quickly and completely, but frequent diets become constant stress, the result of which first are hormonal disturbances, followed by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

How fast diets affect health

It is clear that when you eat on the old program again, the appetite increased during the diet, makes you eat more than it was before. Water supplies quickly return, kilograms too, and weight begins to increase from elementary overeating. Studies have shown that weight gain is characteristic of 98% of people who have subjected themselves to extreme weight loss through strict diets. But this is not so bad.

Reduce calories by no more than 20% of your normal daily intake

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in the shortest possible time without danger to health?

Fast diets are a type of fasting accompanied by glucose deficiency, which stimulates brain activity. And on a diet, and for some time after leaving it, you will feel bouts of forgetfulness, you will lose the ability to concentrate when necessary, and problems with coordination may begin. If your work requires increased attention or when you are studying at the institute, diet cannot but affect your success both at work and in school.

It’s good when you, after weighing all the risks of such diets, immediately switch to a long, but sure path of proper nutrition, losing a maximum of 2-3 kg per month. If you persist in trying one diet after another, the problems will start to get worse. So you can provoke hormonal disruption and dramatic weight loss up to anorexia. In addition, the redistribution of fat will begin, which is normally located on the surface of the body, like a layer between muscle tissue and skin. After multiple express diets, fat goes inside, covering the vital organs with a layer and through them entering the circulatory system. And this is a direct path to atherosclerosis and serious heart disease – heart attack or stroke.

Don’t let your body go hungry, eat 5-6 times a day and be sure to have a snack if you feel hungry.

If you want to quickly lose weight by 3-4 kg in a few days and are ready to risk health for the sake of this, take the opportunity to immediately start a long-term weight stabilization program after the diet. Start eating right and increase your energy expenditure through exercise. And after 6-8 months, this “long” diet will simply become your normal lifestyle, and your weight will return to normal with the benefits to your health.

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