How to quickly lose weight after a holiday

How to quickly lose weight after a holiday

New Year’s Olivier and a herring under a fur coat, as expected, turned into extra centimeters at the waist. Woman’s Day found out from recognized Nizhny Novgorod beauties how to eliminate the consequences of prolonged festive gluttony.

Alesya Vislotskaya, First Vice-Miss of the Beauty of Russia 2015 contest

“All kinds of culinary excesses during the holidays and the couch lifestyle are not my case. I always have an active rest, go in for sports, try to adhere to proper nutrition, so I do not need to resort to “resuscitation” measures to return to the previous form.

For those who, during the New Year holidays, could not give up the temptation to eat tasty food and sleep deeply, I advise you to go in for sports, eat more or less right and be sure to do some procedures for the skin: face masks, body wraps, etc. we must do everything reasonably. After culinary feasts, you cannot abruptly sit on a rigid diet, you must gradually bring food back to normal: exclude sweet, flour, fatty foods from the diet, include protein products (lean meat, fish). Physical activity should also be reasonable. And in the future, since these are not the last holidays, I advise you not to overload the body with various goodies, move more – and then no emergency measures to bring the body into a viable state will be required. “

Anna Tatarintseva, winner of the titles “Miss Nizhny Novgorod – 2001” and “Beauty of Russia – 2002”

“I don’t stick to diets and eat what I want. My New Year’s table was traditional – with Olivier, herring under a fur coat and my mother’s pies. Losing a little excess weight is not so difficult: you need to go in for sports, walk more in the fresh air – this, in my opinion, is the most elementary means of recovery. If someone prefers a gym, you can focus on complex strength training.

Hair and skin cannot be bypassed and deprived of special care. I really like natural cosmetics with shea butter, where you can add aromatic oils and apply these nourishing mixtures to the skin of the body. For face care I use not only professional moisturizers, but also folk ones: honey and cranberries. In our family, this recipe passes from generation to generation: a cranberry face mask and rubbing with honey after a bath. This, of course, is a very specific treatment, allergic reactions are possible, and some of these ingredients may not work.

Since my work is related to television, I constantly have to do styling and then go to special hair restoration procedures in salons. But I don’t forget about every day care: I use moisturizing sprays, masks, conditioners. With current technologies, it is much easier for women to take care of themselves and be always beautiful, which is what I wish everyone. “

Anna Shurgalina, Miss Audience Choice of the Miss Nizhny Novgorod 2015 contest

“Of course, on holidays everyone allows themselves a little more than they should. In this sense, I am no exception. After New Year’s goodies, we all need to put ourselves in order, you can’t get away from this. I don’t follow rigid diets, but I try to cook food in a multicooker as often as possible: it’s both tasty and healthy. In addition, I try to lead an active lifestyle. And you also need to intensively moisturize and nourish the skin. After the holidays, she does not look the best: after all, everything that we eat and drink, as a result, is reflected on the face. Alginate masks help me a lot, and I save my naughty hair with masks of burdock oil, honey and rinse it with a decoction of nettle and chamomile. “

Ksenia Kupriyanova, Evgeniya Sheremet

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