How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood? 5 Super Foods!

The human body needs iron for the smooth synthesis of hemoglobin. A low rate of this protein component is often the result of iron deficiency anemia. Perhaps a violation of the absorption of trace elements associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, taking certain medications. Inclusion in the menu of a number of iron-containing products is a quick way to bring your hemoglobin levels back to normal.

1. Black caviar instantly increases hemoglobin!

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood? 5 Super Foods!

100 g of black caviar can give the body about 2.5 mg of iron. This product is often recommended by doctors for low hemoglobin, anemia. Especially useful is the regular inclusion of a sandwich with black caviar in the menu for pregnant women and adolescents, who are often worried about iron deficiency anemia. Adding caviar to the diet is not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention.

Black caviar has an excellently balanced composition. In addition to valuable proteins, the product includes vitamins (A, B, C, D), important trace elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine). The unique composition allows this gift of the sea to optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, positively affect the absorption of iron.

Saturation with microelements gives black caviar the ability to increase the number of red blood cells that control the production of hemoglobin. The product also produces a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes immune defenses.

For therapeutic purposes (increase in hemoglobin), black caviar can be consumed in the form of a sandwich. Treatment courses are also carried out for 2-3 weeks, in which the patient must eat 2 tablespoons of the dish twice a day.

Red caviar

Red caviar, like black caviar, is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that save with low hemoglobin. It is saturated with fatty omega-3 fats, serves as a supplier of iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, and provides a wide range of vitamins.

There is no other product that would be so rich in folic acid, on which the normal functioning of the circulatory system depends. Lack of this component can lead to anemia. Pregnant women are often advised to “treat” low hemoglobin with red caviar, since its composition is extremely beneficial for the unborn baby.

The principle of using red caviar is the same as in the case of black caviar. The most useful product in its pure form, it is also welcome to add it to salads, use in the preparation of sandwiches.

A recipe for a delicious and healthy salad with red caviar for those who do not like this product in its purest form.

In addition to caviar, the dish includes other elements that supply the body with iron:

  • a can of red caviar;

  • 150 g cheese;

  • Xnumx potatoes;

  • 2 carrots;

  • 3 eggs;

  • a bit of mayonnaise;

  • a bank of baked cod.

Carrots, potatoes are boiled and cooled, rubbed with cheese with a coarse grater. Canned food is freed from oil, the liver is kneaded with a fork, eggs are finely chopped. All elements are laid out in a bowl in the following sequence: potatoes, liver, eggs, then carrots and cheese. All layers are lightly smeared with mayonnaise, caviar is laid out on top.

Only 100 g of such a dish will give a person about 0.8 mg of iron, replenish the reserves of potassium, calcium, cobalt, iodine and other useful substances.

2. Pistachios – record holders for iron content

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood? 5 Super Foods!

The record for iron content was set by an unexpected dish – pistachios. 100 g of a tasty product contains about 60 mg of this valuable substance. Not surprisingly, the regular use of pistachios is indicated for people trying to normalize low hemoglobin.

This is easy to verify by examining their composition, 100 g of “nuts” contains:

  • trace elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, manganese);

  • protein (approximately 20 g) supplying valuable amino acids;

  • carbohydrates (25 g);

  • vitamins A, B (1, 6, 9), E, ​​starch;

  • fats (approximately 50 g), providing the fatty acids necessary for the body, saturated and unsaturated.

The inclusion of pistachios in moderation in the diet will not only allow you to quickly bring hemoglobin back to normal. This dish improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol. One handful a day is enough to effectively strengthen the immune system, prevent tumors, and “postpone” the aging process.

You can eat pistachios not only in their pure form, this healthy product is often used in the preparation of salads. A recipe useful for hemoglobin includes natural iron suppliers – pomegranate, carrots.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a grenade;

  • small carrots;

  • a little sour cream (yogurt);

  • sugar (by eye);

  • arugula.

Pomegranate is freed from grains, mixed with grated carrots. Sugar and sour cream are added to the mixture, the resulting composition is thoroughly mixed. The pistachios are fried (the frying pan must be dry). The mixture is laid out on lettuce leaves, the dish is generously flavored with pistachios on top. This is an example of a healthy pistachio salad with iron-containing foods.

For hemoglobin, the state of immune defense will be useful and oil prepared on the basis of pistachios. With its help, you can start cell regeneration, increase vitality, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Ice cream quickly increases hemoglobin!

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood? 5 Super Foods!

Many people refuse ice cream, motivating their decision with its high calorie content, harmfulness. This “frosty” delicacy, which people met during the time of Napoleon III, is extremely useful in the fight against low hemoglobin.

Ice cream is perfectly absorbed by the body, contains the following valuable components:

  • iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium;

  • vitamins B, A, D, E;

  • proteins;

  • carbohydrates.

Low hemoglobin is accompanied by such manifestations as chronic weakness, fatigue, insomnia, tachycardia. There are also external “signals”: brittleness, dry hair, delamination of nails, pallor of the skin. Ice cream not only “gives” iron to the body, but also, thanks to B vitamins and valuable minerals, normalizes sleep, tidies up the condition of hair and skin, and provides energy reserves. In reasonable quantities, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system.

In solving the problem of low hemoglobin, homemade ice cream recipes effectively help. You need to take 2 yolks, half a glass of sugar, three-quarters of a glass of cream, mix these ingredients. The resulting mixture is heated in a saucepan over low heat (not to a boil), poured into molds, frozen. In the oven, you need to bake three apples, mix them with three-quarters of a glass of cream, add the frozen mixture, hold the composition in the freezer a little more.

Such a dish will provide the body with iron (1.57 mg per 100 g), cobalt, magnesium, copper, and help stock up on valuable vitamins. Apples can, if desired, be replaced with other iron-containing fruits – persimmon, pear, kiwi, quince.

4. Red meat is very effective

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood? 5 Super Foods!

The absolute champion among meat products that have a positive effect on the hemoglobin index is beef, which is far superior in this regard to pork and veal. The percentage of iron absorption from beef is 22%.

100 g of beef contains 2.2 mg of iron. There are other valuable components in the composition of the dish:

  • minerals (cobalt, iodine, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium);

  • vitamins B (1, 2, 5, 6, 9), E, ​​PP;

  • proteins;

  • amino acids.

The regular addition of beef to the menu not only increases low hemoglobin. There is also a “cleansing” of the blood composition due to the content of heme iron. Meat has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, nourishes cells with oxygen, and activates metabolic processes. The product is also highly valued for its high concentration of zinc, which allows it to strengthen the body’s immune defenses, increase energy, and relieve weakness.

! Beef liver – Another effective iron supplier that comes to the rescue with low hemoglobin. The product is saturated with copper, calcium, vitamin C and other elements that promote the absorption of iron-containing products by the body. The richness of valuable trace elements and vitamins allows the liver to have a strengthening effect on the hair, to tidy up the skin.

When boiled, it is useful to eat beef tongue, this dish will become a good “conductor” of iron.

With low hemoglobin, game will also bring benefits. You can add hare, duck, wild boar, roe deer and so on to the menu. The principles of preparation are the same as in the case of beef.

If meat is included in the menu to normalize hemoglobin levels, you should not eat it with foods such as bread, porridge, pasta. These dishes in the intestine produce a binding effect on iron, interfere with its full absorption by the body. Cabbage, potatoes, green peas, beans will be more effective as a side dish.

The optimal ratio of animal and vegetable products, nutritionists consider 1:3, it is worth sticking to it for the most effective replenishment of iron deficiency.

5. Garnet

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood? 5 Super Foods!

With a lack of iron in the body, a person is shown adding pomegranate to the menu. In 100 g of this product, there is approximately 1 mg of iron, which allows it to have a positive effect on the state of hemoglobin.

The chemical composition of pomegranate (100 g) is as follows:

  • proteins 0.9 g;

  • water 79.2 g;

  • carbohydrates 13.9 g;

  • fats 0 g;

  • vitamins (B5, B6, B12, E, P, C);

  • minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus).

Pomegranate is a fruit that stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin, not only due to the high concentration of iron in it. The most important vitamins that are present in this product are B6, B5, B12, P, C.

Each of them performs a specific function.

  • A high concentration of vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the absorption of iron by the body, a positive effect on the state of the immune system.

  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is necessary to maintain immunity, stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin.

  • Vitamin B6 is important for immunity, and its deficiency often leads to the development of anemia. This element activates the metabolism, increases the absorption of iron.

  • Vitamin B12 in sufficient quantity ensures a high quality of hematopoiesis.

  • Vitamin P has a strengthening effect on the state of human vessels.

Do not forget that pomegranate becomes a real supplier of iron for the body only fresh. This does not prevent adding delicious fruit to salads that are healthy for hemoglobin.

The recipe, in addition to pomegranate, which includes other products valuable for hemoglobin, will require the following ingredients:

  • 50 g nuts (walnuts);

  • half a grenade;

  • a couple of potatoes;

  • one carrot;

  • one beet;

  • 200 g of chicken breast;

  • salt and mayonnaise to taste.

Vegetables are boiled in a peel, peeled, cut into small cubes. Chicken meat is boiled and cut into cubes. The pomegranate is peeled, the nuts are cut. All elements are laid out in layers in the following order: potatoes, carrots, mayonnaise and salt to taste, beets, fillets, again salt and mayonnaise (you can pepper). Walnuts and pomegranate seeds are laid out on top.

100 g of delicious salad will provide the body with about 1.27 mg of iron, saturate with iodine, potassium, cobalt, calcium, and important vitamins.

Useful foods rich in iron are the fastest way to replenish its deficiency in the body, increase hemoglobin levels. Therefore, having noticed symptoms in oneself that indicate its lowness, first of all it is necessary not to grab onto medications and vitamin complexes, but to revise your own menu by adding iron-containing elements.

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