How to quickly get rid of hiccups?

How to quickly get rid of hiccups?

Hiccups very often take a person by surprise, causing him to experience certain inconveniences. A variety of factors can provoke its occurrence, including: overeating, stress, alcohol abuse. All this leads to the fact that the diaphragm begins to contract involuntarily. During each such spasm, air escapes through the larynx, at the same moment the epiglottis closes and the vocal cords contract, so the person makes a characteristic sound.

7 universal ways to get rid of hiccups

There are 8 effective ways to quickly get rid of hiccups:

  1. Pressure on the root of the tongue. To do this, you need to touch its base with your fingers, as if a person wants to provoke a gag reflex. This action will lead to a spasm of the esophagus, and involuntary contractions of the diaphragm will stop. This is not a very pleasant, but effective method of getting rid of hiccups.

  2. You can eat something unusual, for example, a lemon wedge, a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt. After a product with a pronounced taste enters the stomach, it will throw out a large amount of hydrochloric acid. This reaction will distract the body from the hiccups. This method does work, but its mechanism is not yet fully understood.

  3. You can cover your ears and nose with your hands, close your eyes and hold your breath. When there is no strength left to endure, you need to start breathing. In this case, the breaths will be deep, which will allow the diaphragm to fully open. As a result, the hiccups will pass.

  4. Helps with hiccups drinking water. To do this, cool liquid is poured into a glass and placed on the table. Ears are closed with fingers and slowly drink water through a straw. The volume of the glass is 400 ml. As a rule, when the liquid begins to come to an end, it is possible to get rid of hiccups.

  5. You can cope with hiccups if you stick your tongue out and hold it in this state. If necessary, lightly hold the tongue with your fingers. It is believed that this method of getting rid of hiccups was invented by Sir William Osler.

  6. Allows you to cope with hiccups rectal massage. This method was developed by Israeli doctors from the Bnei Zion Medical Center. In this way, they got rid of the persistent hiccups of a 60-year-old patient. Before that, it was impossible to cope with the attack. In the course of further research, it was possible to establish that rectal massage relieves hiccups of all people without exception.

  7. You can try to shift your focus. To do this, place a toothpick in a glass of water and carefully monitor it until the liquid is drunk to the end.

If none of the above methods of dealing with hiccups did not achieve a positive result, then you just need to be patient. As a rule, after 30-40 minutes, hiccups pass on their own. If it is persistent, persists for a day or more, you need to consult a doctor.

3 universal ways to get rid of hiccups

There are 5 ways to deal with hiccups that allow you to quickly deal with this problem in less than 1 minute. These include:

  1. You can drink a large glass of water and eat a spoonful of honey.

  2. Push-ups and pumping the press is another effective method to cope with hiccups. However, it should not be practiced after meals.

  3. You can get rid of hiccups by massaging certain points on the hands. In this case, you need to put pressure on the base of the middle finger from both sides on the sides of the joint. Girls are working on the finger of the right hand, and guys are working on the left hand.

Video: how to get rid of hiccups in 30 seconds?

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