How to quickly get rid of gas in the intestines

Flatulence is the accumulation of gas in the intestines. Although this disease is not classified as dangerous, it delivers serious discomfort. A person feels awkward among others, is nervous. Knowing how to get rid of gas, you can not only get rid of flatulence, but also restore self-confidence and the joy of communication.

To feel comfortable, you need to know how to get rid of gas in the intestines.

If you notice unpleasant symptoms in yourself – rumbling in the stomach, its bloating, a feeling of heaviness, it means that flatulence has not passed you. Several reasons can provoke the formation of gases.

These include:

  • Chatting at the table. During a conversation, excess air enters the stomach along with food. It does not have time to be absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause gas formation.
  • Chronic diseases: pancreatitis, dysbiosis, gastritis, cirrhosis.
  • Wrong diet. For example, excessive consumption of sugar that causes fermentation, legumes, carbonated drinks.
  • Emotional excitement. With strong emotions, food enters the intestines much faster. It is not completely digested in this case. This is what causes gas formation.
  • Violation of food culture. Snacks on the run, food in a hurry lead to flatulence.

Experts say: those who chew food quickly are doomed to this disease

  • Frequent constipation. In this case, excrement accumulates in the body, which provokes bloating.

Try to eliminate these reasons – and, quite possibly, the work of the intestines will improve.

Quick ways to get rid of gas and bloating | Dr. Hansaji

How to get rid of gas in the intestines?

There are many different methods, but before starting treatment, you need to establish the cause. You cannot do without the help of a doctor in such a matter.

Usually, to relieve symptoms, resort to:

  • Medicines. They are best taken on the advice of a doctor, but at the pharmacy I can recommend the most popular ones.
  • A specially formulated diet.

When planning a menu for the day, you need to give up raw vegetables, Chinese cuisine, cereals, citrus fruits, spicy and fatty dishes

  • Folk remedies. Not sure how to get rid of gas quickly? Try chewing lemon zest. It is the peel that is needed, as it prevents increased gas formation. You can take mint tea – a spoonful of a dry plant in a glass of water or a decoction of chamomile, which should be infused for 3 hours.

Monitor your diet, visit your doctor in a timely manner – and the intestines will not cause problems.

 One-time sickness can be caused by improper diet or food poisoning. But, if you feel discomfort constantly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Stomach ache Is the most common complaint and the most difficult to diagnose. It can arise from poor-quality or plentiful food, an uncomfortable posture – there are many reasons. But, if the pain is severe or excruciating often, see your doctor. Try to pinpoint where it hurts: aching in the stomach area may be a sign of chronic gastritis; sharp after eating – stomach ulcers. Severe pain radiating to the right arm, shoulder and right collarbone is one of the symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder wall. Unpleasant sensations in the navel are a signal of a malfunction of the intestines. Pain in the left side – inflammation of the colon.

Belching in healthy people, it appears extremely rarely, mainly after drinking carbonated drinks or if a person was in a hurry while eating, badly chewing food. Together with heaviness in the stomach, aching pains, nausea and discomfort after eating, this can be a sign of an exacerbation of chronic gastritis. If belching constantly torments, it means that one of the functions of the stomach is impaired.

Flatulence – a consequence of the abundance in the diet of coarse fiber (legumes, cabbage, black bread). Bloating is one of the signs of impaired motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. This phenomenon accompanies such pathologies as secretory pancreatic insufficiency, dysbiosis, intestinal obstruction.

Colic accompany gastritis, ulcers, intestinal infections.

Irritable bowel syndrome – Cramps and painful bloating, usually a result of stress. But only a gastroenterologist can make the correct diagnosis, he will also carry out the necessary examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Folk remedies for intestinal flatulence

  1. Mustard. Add pungent seasoning (in reasonable amounts) to ready-to-eat meals. Dissolve one teaspoon of mustard in a glass of warm water, add a little mod. You can drink the solution with tea to kill the harsh taste.
  2. Baking soda and lemon. Mix the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. This medicinal drink promotes the production of carbon dioxide and thus, along with belching, gases are released.
  3. Activated carbon. The most common and, perhaps, the most effective method of dealing with gases accumulated in the intestines. Charcoal is sold in tablets or capsules in any pharmacy. Take no more than 4 tablets per day. It can also be used as a preventive measure.
  4. Tea with mint. Add fresh mint to green tea and drink before bed. Thanks to the menthol oil in mint, muscle spasms are soothed and relaxed.
  5. Ginger tea. Ginger is simply necessary for people for whom the problem of flatulence, unfortunately, has become almost chronic. The fact is that ginger promotes the production of bile, which improves digestion. And the elements contained in ginger reduce gas and painful cramps.

What foods cause flatulence?

  1. Any legumes such as peas and beans.
  2. Cabbage: cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli.
  3. Dairy products: milk, kefir, cream, cheese.
  4. Vegetables and fruits. You can eat vegetables only in boiled or stewed form, and prefer dried fruits to fresh fruits. Especially banned are fruits containing the greatest amount of sugar: grapes, cherries, peaches, apples, bananas.
  5. Baking and porridge. In the first case, only dried bread is allowed, and in the second, the cooking time of cereals should be increased.
  6. Foods that provoke gases in the intestines include all carbonated drinks, coffee, fast food, unhealthy snacks, concentrated juices, alcohol, canned food, smoked meats.

Diet for flatulence

Crackers from yesterday’s bread are allowed – preferably whole grain flour, boiled, stewed, steamed fruits and vegetables – especially pumpkin, carrots, beets. From fresh vegetables, you can use cucumbers. Any low-fat varieties of meat and fish in stewed and boiled form, low-fat broths (meat, vegetable, fish), hard-boiled eggs or protein omelet. From greens, be sure to include parsley and dill in the diet, from fermented milk – low-fat kefir and natural yogurt.

 Diet rules for flatulence

  • There should be a hot dish twice a day. Soups and broths are a must!
  • You can not drink food with cool drinks. It is better to drink water one hour after a meal, and drink hot tea during meals.
  • Avoid chewing gum – it promotes the production of gastric juice.
  • During the day, you need to drink at least a liter of water.

How to “deflate” the stomach?

Although almost everyone has experienced bloating and gas, this topic is very sensitive and rarely brought up for discussion.

However, today, when the world celebrates the Day of Healthy Digestion, we will talk about what to do if flatulence often takes you by surprise?


The main causes of bloating:

  •   reaction to certain foods. So, increased gas formation causes lactose from milk, raffinose from raw cabbage, soluble fiber from legumes, coarse fiber from bran, hard fruits and whole grains. This does not mean that such foods should not be eaten, but with frequent flatulence, their content in the diet is best minimized. In addition, bloating provokes heavy and fatty foods that make digestion difficult.
  • Excess air in the digestive system. Chewing gum, drinking carbonated drinks, using a drinking straw – all of these activities can lead to involuntary swallowing of excess air and, consequently, to bloating.
  •  Passive lifestyle. In the absence of physical activity, intestinal peristalsis slows down, and gases do not find a natural outlet.
  •  Female hormonal fluctuations. So, during PMS, in many women, the walls of the abdominal muscles weaken and excess fluid accumulates, which leads to bloating.
  •  Constipation. Bloating occurs when the contents of the intestine remain in it for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to look for the causes of constipation and get rid of it.
  •  Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Bloating and flatulence can be symptoms of colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis. If you have pain or severe discomfort, be sure to consult a doctor!
  •  Age. Unfortunately, over the years, the muscles of the digestive system can weaken and lose tone.
  •  Some antibiotics. By killing not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, they lead to dysbacteriosis. Therefore, antibiotics should certainly be accompanied by drugs to restore microflora.
  • Water during meals. Washing down food with a lot of water, we reduce the concentration of gastric juice and worsen digestion. This can lead to fermentation of food in the intestines. Therefore, it is better to drink water in between meals.

What to do?

These measures will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

  1. If bloating is accompanied by pain and other alarming symptoms, then be sure to consult a doctor! They will help you identify the exact cause of the problem and select a treatment.
  2. Do special exercises

To strengthen the press and improve intestinal motility, alternately tighten and relax the abdominal muscles, lingering for a few seconds. Perform 15-20 times in a row.

And to help the natural discharge of gases, lying on your back, slowly raise and lower your legs several times.

  1. Drink warm water in the morning

A glass of water 20-30 minutes before breakfast normalizes the secretion of gastric juice and prevents gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Review your diet

If you are often worried about bloating, then include boiled rice, buckwheat porridge, baked vegetables and fruits, lean fish and poultry, soft-boiled eggs in the menu. From dairy products, leave only kefir and fermented baked milk.

  1. For symptomatic treatment, use enterosorbents

” Polysorb “, ” Enterol “, ” Enterosgel ” absorb gases, inhibit fermentation and remove toxins. However, they should not be used on an ongoing basis, so as not to harm the intestinal microflora.

  1. Brew Mint

Natural crushed mint effectively relieves the symptoms of flatulence.

  1. Take a Course of Enzymes or Probiotics

If bloating is caused by malnutrition and overeating, drugs such as Mezim , Pancreatin , Festal will come to the rescue . And if dysbacteriosis or constipation became the cause of discomfort, then beneficial bacteria will help you: “ Linex ”, “ Hilak Forte ”.

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