How to quickly cure a runny nose
It is necessary to treat a runny nose, and do not rely on an anecdote, which says that a treated runny nose goes away in seven days, and an untreated runny nose – in a week! Because a runny nose has an unpleasant property to turn into sores such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, or even otitis media! A hoarse voice, like a runny nose, firstly, does not add to your attractiveness, and secondly, it threatens with a transition to tracheitis and other bronchitis.
How can a runny nose that has just begun be cured?
How to quickly cure a runny nose
Surprisingly, many people think in advance whether it is worth getting a flu shot and are panicky afraid of getting sick. And when faced with a runny nose, they prefer to wait for the nose to breathe on its own, not thinking that the most common nasal congestion can lead to many chronic and serious illnesses.
As soon as it starts to run from the nose or sore throat, you must immediately start responding! You can try “Aqualor” or “Aquamaris” (they are absolutely identical in composition, contain the same pure sea water from the Adriatic). Spray into your nose six times a day from a spray with this water – and a runny nose will take off like a hand.
Take a hot sea salt bath or steam with a eucalyptus broom. If you do not have a eucalyptus broom, take an oak one – it will also warm your nose nicely with hot steam. If you don’t like a bath, go to a sauna, the hot air will dry a runny nose in an hour. And if you add a drop of fir oil to the hot stones, then surely everything will pass. These simple tricks are just as effective as
Put on woolen socks at night, after sprinkling mustard in them. You can remember the good old way: soak your feet in mustard, for this, dilute the mustard in warm water until it is mushy, and then fill it with hot water – the temperature you can tolerate!
Doctors also advise to warm the nose with sandbags or cereals, table salt is also suitable. For these purposes, you can take hard-boiled eggs or jacket potatoes. At the same time, all these “accessories” should be applied not to the very nose, but to the sides – there are just the maxillary sinuses. And also to smell onions or garlic – who likes which more.
How to treat a chronic rhinitis?
A runny nose tends to heal.
Many spices are able to support the immune system and relieve the first symptoms of a cold. Even more wonderful properties are possessed by another representative of the plant kingdom – aloe.
Scarlet juice is a rather disgusting and caustic potion, but effective! And even very much: in three days you can even get rid of sinusitis (sinusitis is a runny nose, in which inflammation captures the sinuses – they are located on the cheeks and in the forehead).
This juice must be dripped into the nose, that is, you also need a dropper. It is better not to rape the poor plants on your windowsill, trying to squeeze the last juices out of them, but to go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of ready-made aloe juice. In fact, in pharmacies you can find condensed aloe juice, sabur, the use of which requires dilution. In principle, any pure juice is recommended to be diluted with water in order to minimize discomfort. Aloe juice is easily replaced with Kalanchoe juice (even more vigorous preparation), fir or sea buckthorn oil. Fir oil contains many phytoncides.
You can also swallow Sinupret tablets – this is essentially a medicine based on
It is not necessary to rinse with water, although it will do as a last resort, just do not forget to drop iodine into it and salt it with food (or, better, take sea salt). The Dolphin system will help to wash your nose, and if you don’t have it in your first-aid kit, then a simple enema.
The first time rinsing your nose may not give you the most pleasant sensations, but then you get used to it and get the hang of it – and everything will flow like clockwork. But it is better to choose an infusion of a medicinal herb for washing. For example, brew St. John’s wort or calendula, dandelion, burdock and peppermint will do – in general, what will be in the pharmacy!
You can organize yourself an inhalation. Pour about a liter of boiling water into a saucepan, add a few drops of iodine, a tablespoon of honey and eucalyptus infusion. which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Even sinusitis can be cured this way!
Why can the voice become hoarse?
Sore throat and hoarse voice are symptoms of laryngitis.
The cause of a hoarse voice can be many diseases: common cold; the voice wheezes with laryngitis; overexertion of the vocal cords if you were singing, screaming, or otherwise straining your vocal cords.
If you do not have a cold and your voice is not overstrained, then hoarseness may be associated with an enlarged thyroid gland, which is not uncommon in middle-aged women. In this case, do not waste time on such a favorite female fun – self-diagnosis, make an appointment with an endocrinologist and get tested for thyroid hormones.
If you smoke or drank alcohol in excessive quantities the day before, then hoarseness the next day after libations is quite natural, the same applies to smoking. But as soon as the sore throat begins to sore, you need to find the strength to start treatment!
With hoarseness of the voice, and this is real laryngitis, calamus root helps well. You can make such an infusion: mix chopped calamus root with elderberry flowers in equal parts and pour boiling water in a thermos. In the morning, strain and take a glass 4 times a day. This remedy is very good at relieving the symptoms of laryngitis.
Or such a decoction: take half a glass of anise seeds in a glass of water, after the water boils, discard the seeds, and add a quarter glass of honey and a tablespoon of brandy to the pan. Take a tablespoon every half hour.
You can also boil one and a half liters of water and add 400 g of bran to the boiling water, sweeten with brown sugar or honey. Drink the broth throughout the day.
After starting treatment, take care of how to support your immunity. Choose from a collection of recipes that are part of the Immunity Diet.