How to quickly cook beans and loose rice: life hacks

Probably, each of us at least once would like to feel like in the kitchen the famous heroine of “Desperate Housewives” Bree Van de Kamp, so that everything works out quickly and tasty. In reality, cooking can be a rather serious challenge, especially for those who have just started to comprehend the basics of the culinary art. What to do when the taste of the dish is not as rich as we would like, and the type of dish cannot be called appetizing? Experts from the Embargo group, a leader in the restaurant business, organizer of premium buffets and coffee breaks, shared with us life hacks that will take your cooking to a new level.

1. How to quickly remove the bitterness from eggplant?

Bitter eggplant is the main reason many are afraid to cook with this wonderful vegetable. The problem is simple enough to solve if, before cooking, salt the eggplant and let it juice, and then rinse the vegetable in cold water.

2. How to cut eggs beautifully and appetizing?

An extremely easy way to neatly slice eggs is to moisten a knife with cold water. This will prevent the yolk from sticking to the knife and ruining the look of your salad or appetizers.

3. What to do to prevent apples in the charlotte from sinking to the bottom?

To prevent the apples in the pie from sagging, it is enough to lightly roll them in flour before cooking. An amazingly simple and effective way!

4. How to cook crumbly rice?

To obtain crumbly rice, it must first be fried in a heavy-bottomed pan for 2 minutes. Then pour the rice with water in a 2: 1 ratio, bring to a boil, cover and cook for another 15 minutes. This method is perfect for other cereals, for example, buckwheat.

5. How to get a clear broth?

The correct broth should be clear, but at the same time have a rich taste. The old French method will help to clarify the broth: you need to throw a piece of ice into it and bring to a boil.

6. How easy is it to peel an egg?

In order to cope with the task quickly, add a little vinegar to the water: it will help not only when preparing poached eggs, but also hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs.

7. How to cook beans quickly so that they are soft?

To do this, add cold water to the pot every 10 minutes until the beans reach the desired consistency. It is also worth refusing to add salt during cooking. It is best to add salt to the dish after cooking. Otherwise, the beans will become tough and may start to taste bitter.

8. What can I do to prevent the cling film from sticking to my hands?

Have you prepared a dish but are having difficulty wrapping it in plastic wrap? Use the Embargo group’s favorite life hack: put the rolls in the refrigerator. With this method of storage, the film becomes more convenient to use.

9. How to speed up the cutting of ingredients?

Get creative with your kitchen appliances. So, for example, a regular egg slicer will help you cut both mushrooms and vegetables quickly.

10. How to make the taste of dishes more expressive?

One little trick will help you preserve the full flavor of your dish: just reheat plates for hot dishes and chill for cold ones before serving. This way you can get a brighter taste sensation and pleasantly surprise your guests.

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