How to quickly clean the microwave with water, lemon, vinegar

Kitchen appliances get dirty quickly, and the microwave oven is no exception. It must be cleaned regularly, but this is not always possible. How to quickly clean the microwave even with heavy pollution, we will tell further.

How to wash without active chemicals

To wash drops or streaks of fat on the walls of the microwave, they must be softened. If you do not want to use active (and strong-smelling) chemicals, you can do this with steam.

To do this, take a large deep plate, microwave saucepan or bowl, pour hot water – from half a liter – put it inside and turn on the microwave at 800 watts. We are waiting for the water to boil. It should boil for at least 2 minutes. Next, you can wipe the dirt from the walls and top.

To quickly clean the microwave, you can steam out grease and dirt

If the grease and dirt are old, leave the water container inside. We do not open the door, wait five minutes and turn it on again for 1,5-2 minutes. Before switching on again, make sure that there is enough water, top up if necessary.

Water can also be poured into a large cup

Carefully, on the side, open the door or wait five minutes. Hot steam softened fat and burnt food residues. Remove them with a paper towel (so as not to wash the rags). If it doesn’t come off right away, scrub with a sponge and dish detergent. You can dip a wet sponge in baking soda, then add a drop of detergent and rub especially dirty areas with it. If there is still a lot of dirt / fat, it is easier to boil water again.

How to make cleansing more effective

Steam cleans a not too dirty microwave well. If she has not washed for a long time, a more effective remedy is required. To make food residue and fat dissolve faster, you can add to the water:

  • alcohol table vinegar;
  • citric acid;
  • soda;
  • mustard powder;
  • lemon (cut into slices) or lemon juice.
How to quickly wash the microwave inside: add lemons, vinegar or soda to the water

These “additives” are dissolved in water, then placed in a microwave oven and water is boiled as described above. The quantity is selected empirically. Means penny and will not bring harm. You can not save and add a decent amount at once.

How to clean a microwave with citric acid: add it to water

In general, one of the listed agents is added to the water, but it can be combined. Do not pour soda and vinegar / citric acid into only one container – there will be an active reaction. Or wait for it to finish and then put the solution in the microwave. Steam containing soda and acids dissolves well both burnt residues and fats.

What chemistry works for cleaning microwaves

Any grease solvent designed for kitchen or kitchen appliances is suitable for washing a microwave oven. Sprayers are most convenient for the microwave chamber – it is easier to apply.

Chemistry works faster to dissolve fats

Gels and liquids can also be used, but they will have to be spread with a sponge. In any case, gloves must be worn. Here’s what we can recommend:

  • cleaner for heat-resistant glass;
  • grease remover Unicum;
  • Master Glitter;
  • spray for cleaning the FIREPLACE or GRILL;
  • Mr. Muscle to remove fat;
  • TopHouse (spray for ovens, microwaves and stoves);
  • Sif spray for the kitchen;
  • Selenium for plates.

Other means for cleaning the kitchen from grease will also work. Pollution in the microwave is not as “stubborn” as in the oven and almost any alkaline agent will cope with them. The method of application is the same – apply, wait 5 minutes, wipe off dirt and grease, rinse the walls with water.

Kitchen, degreaser, and oven cleaners work well for microwave ovens as well.

After washing with active chemicals, a chemical smell may remain in the microwave. You can get rid of it with the same steam. Pour hot water into a bowl and boil for a couple of minutes. For particularly persistent odors, put 5-8 tablets of activated charcoal into the water and, again, boil it. Should help.

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