You can do that too. You don’t need any special skills for this. Maybe a little patience.
Daniel Eisenman is a writer, motivational trainer, and a regular young dad. His daughter Divina is now barely six months old. Daniel practically does not part with baby, so he knows very well what sleepless nights, inexplicable tantrums and endless roar when it is impossible to lull a baby to sleep. More precisely, maybe it’s impossible for anyone, but Daniel copes with this task once or twice.
Daniel with his wife Diana and daughter Divina
He recently tried an absolutely amazing lulling technique on his own daughter. And spontaneously – Daniel was broadcasting live on Facebook, lying next to his daughter. Baby Divina suddenly took up her favorite infant business – she blushed, tensed and began to scream selflessly, as only babies and brawlers in the mail queue can do. Do you think Daniel has canceled the broadcast? No. He smiled and … made a low chest sound: “Om”. Daniel pulled this sound for 10-15 seconds, no less. And these seconds were enough for Divina to calm down and fall asleep. The puzzled expression on the tiny pug remained frozen – the girl herself did not understand what had happened.
At the time of this publication, almost 40 million people have watched the video. 40 million! This is more than the population of Canada. Almost 270 thousand likes, almost 400 thousand shares and 70 thousand comments. Daniel’s page subscribers reacted differently. Someone assured that the baby in a past life was a Buddhist monkey.
Buddhist – because everyone recognized in the sound “om” the main mantra of the Eastern religion. It is believed that this sound created the vibration that marked the beginning of the universe. Whether this is true or not, we do not know, but it is definitely suitable to calm babies. But there is one subtlety here. We are sure that “ohm” should be pulled with just such a low and velvety voice. Such a timbre will create the necessary vibration, similar to intrauterine noise (it is quite loud, by the way, comparable to the volume of a hair dryer). But if you pull the mantra in a thin, screeching voice, the effect may be the opposite.
By the way, part of Daniel’s flock admitted that they had already tried this method on their own babies. And – wow! – it worked.