How to quickly and effectively clean the microwave inside at home
Sometimes it seems that they did not just warm chicken or thaw fish in it, but fought. But any dirt can be dealt with with improvised means.
“I open the door, and there … You know, it feels like an egg exploded there, and on the way it caught the dough, chicken and cabbage. I will never wash it in my life, it’s easier to buy a new one, ”the friend complained. She returned from a business trip and found that the remaining men – husband and son – had turned a clean microwave oven into a graveyard of indistinct stubs. Yes, there I myself hate washing the stove, oven and microwave. But it turns out there are ways to do it quickly and almost fun, without killing a manicure and spending the whole weekend on it.
One of the most popular methods is citric acid cleaning. The only caveat is that it should not be used too often if the oven chamber is covered with enamel. To clean the stove clean, you will need a glass of water and a tablespoon of citric acid. Instead of the latter, you can take four tablespoons of lemon juice.
Let’s get down to the process:
- Prepare the solution: just add citric acid to the water. If you have a lemon, squeeze out the juice, throw the rest of the lemon there, into the water. Pour the solution into a microwave-safe cup or bowl.
- We put the cup in the oven and turn on the unit at maximum power for 3-4 minutes.
- After turning off, we wait 7-12 minutes.
- We remove the cup and carefully wipe the chamber with a sponge.
This method is good in that it eliminates not only fat and dirt, but also from unpleasant odors.
You can use an old and proven remedy, baking soda. To prepare an effective solution, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. And then everything is as in the case of citric acid – we heat, wait, wipe. Baking soda settles on the inside of the microwave as condensation and dissolves splashes of grease and other food contaminants.
If the contamination is light, you can get by with water alone by placing the container in the chamber and turning on the oven at full power. Hot condensation dissolves fresh dirt well. It remains only to remove the softened “excess” with a rag.
For the most difficult cases
There are also ways to “kill” dirt in the microwave. Not only grease and stains, but any – absolutely any! – the smell will kill such a composition: a glass of water, a glass of vinegar and two tablespoons of lemon juice. We heat all this for two minutes at the highest power. We wait a little, let off steam and thoroughly wipe the inside of the oven.
Another way is simply thermonuclear. Take some dish soap and add baking soda to it to make a thick paste. Stir to dissolve the baking soda completely, and wipe the oven with this solution.
The third recipe is for stainless steel microwaves. You cannot clean it with citric acid, we have already found out. But you can use coconut oil – sprinkle it on a paper towel and wipe the inside of the stove.
I clean by science: 4 rules
1. You need to clean the microwave oven chamber in a specific order. First, take out the glass plate and ring, then wipe the top and grate. Next in line are the sides, bottom and door. Special attention should be paid to difficult places.
2. Under no circumstances should metal sponges and abrasive cleaning agents be used. This can damage the microwave housing. In addition, pieces of metal sponge caught in the grate can provoke a fire.
3. With regular use of this kitchen technique, cleaning is best done at least once every 2-3 weeks. Timely cleaning prevents dirt and grease from getting old.
4. A great way to keep your microwave clean is to cover food with plastic lids. You can find them in any hardware store. If you don’t get to buy a lid, you can use cling film or glassware of a suitable size. Hot food splashes will not scatter, and you will not have to spend time cleaning the camera.
Well, and most importantly, it is also the most difficult thing – not to collect dirt for several months. If it so happened that food rejects scattered throughout the microwave, it is much easier and faster to remove the mess right away.