Many people complain that snoring not only interferes with getting enough sleep and feeling rested, but also has a negative impact on relationships. This can be easily fixed.
If you or your loved ones interfere with others’ sleep by snoring, this is not funny, and it can be very dangerous. Snoring is a specific sound that accompanies the process of breathing a person in a dream, low-frequency and rattling sound vibrations.
Try to prevent seasonal exacerbation or snoring after an illness with our methods, but if it does not help, contact a somnologist (sleep specialist).
1. Take a hot shower before bed. Snoring occurs when the passage of air through the throat and nasal passages is obstructed. Air passing through clogged (and therefore narrowed) nasal passages, and leads to snoring. Experts recommend taking a hot shower and rinsing your nose with salt water before bed to keep your passages clean.
2. Change your sleeping position. According to somnologists, certain sleeping positions lead to snoring. For example, lying on your back. Because in this position, the tongue and soft palate are pressed against the back of the throat, which leads to snoring. It is best to sleep on your side.
3. Drink water. When you’re dehydrated, a sticky discharge forms in your mouth and nose, and water helps flush mucus out of your body, which promotes free breathing.
4. Get rid of dust. A lot of allergens lurk in the bedroom – in dusty fans, old pillows, etc. They also lead to snoring.
5. Avoid alcohol before bed. Cocktails can help us relax, but unfortunately, the muscles of the throat also become relaxed – and even too much. Experts advise taking the last glass of alcohol no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
6. Exercise. For example, forcefully press the tip of your tongue into the upper palate. Pull your tongue firmly towards your throat. Repeat the sound “and”. And it is better to do this several times a day.
7. Open the nasal passages in a different way. If the above methods don’t work, you can try a nasal patch. If the problem is with the nose (not the soft palate), they will help shrink the temple by raising and opening the nasal passages.
8. Try a nasal spray. The root of your trouble may be nasal congestion. In this case, a nasal spray will help open the passages. But do not buy throat sprays, do not waste money, they are completely useless here.
9. Monitor the humidity of the air. If your bedroom is warm and dry, then nose has to work overtime. Ventilate the room before bed and use a humidifier if necessary.
10. Get an anti-snoring bandage. It is worn over the head, covering the chin and the back of the head (with slits for the ears), and fixes the lower jaw, pushing it forward during sleep, which makes breathing easier.
If your partner says you snore too loudly, or if you wake up gasping for air, be sure to see your doctor to rule out apnea, a serious condition that leads to heart problems.