The problem of high blood pressure concerns almost every inhabitant of our country who is 35-40 years old. There is no need to talk about people of a more mature age, here the statistics are even more deplorable. What causes an unwanted increase in blood pressure even in young and relatively healthy people?
We list the main risk factors:
Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and overweight;
Temporary dysfunction or serious kidney disease;
“Syndrome of the metropolis” (work, nerves, running around, traffic jams).
In addition to these obvious reasons, there are individual characteristics of the body that need to be considered. For example, some people notice seasonal surges in pressure: in summer everything is in order, but in autumn and winter it is a disaster. It also happens that blood pressure rises during a cold. It is very important to get to the bottom of the true causes of poor health before taking measures to reduce blood pressure.
Why pills are not a panacea?
Suspecting high blood pressure, a person usually measures it at home or consults a doctor. But in both cases, the outcome is the same: we take pills that reduce blood pressure. That is, we eliminate the consequences, not the cause. It is categorically important to be examined by a therapist for any person who regularly complains about jumps in blood pressure. But doctors don’t always get to the bottom of the truth.
What to do if the patient is still young, not overweight, does not suffer from kidney and heart diseases, does not abuse alcohol and does not smoke, and his blood test does not show excess cholesterol? I recommend to be less nervous, sleep more and walk in the fresh air – that’s what the doctor will say. And he will attach to his words a prescription for the weakest and most harmless pills for pressure. In principle, everything is correct, if not for one “but”. Sudden high blood pressure can be very dangerous, especially if you don’t know the cause. It is accompanied by headache, and sometimes sweating, tremors, tachycardia, and even vomiting. Pills won’t help here, you have to call an ambulance to get an injection.
Such situations can be avoided, and here is what you need to do this:
Find out the cause of your high blood pressure, no matter how subjective it may seem, and try to eliminate it;
Keep a tonometer handy so that at the first signs of feeling unwell, you can measure blood pressure and see how much the device’s readings exceed the norm recommended by the doctor;
Learn the simple home method for lowering blood pressure, which we will discuss below, and use it regularly.
So how can you quickly reduce the pressure?
This technique is taken from yoga, more specifically from pranayama, a separate teaching dedicated to controlling your body with the help of breathing.
If you’re a hardcore skeptic, but you’re tired of the constant high blood pressure issues, here are a few offhand reasons why you should consider this method:
Breathing exercises can be done anywhere and anytime;
They do not require special adaptations or conditions;
No one needs to pay for them;
They are absolutely safe and cannot harm.
Isn’t that enough to try? And when you are convinced of the effectiveness of the respiratory technique for lowering blood pressure, you will surely recommend it to friends and family.
Let’s talk about this effective method step by step:
Sit in a comfortable chair or on a stool, assume a relaxed, open posture with your hands resting on the knees of your legs apart;
Your back should be straight, but not tense, and you don’t need to lean back on the back of the chair;
Take three or four deep breaths and full exhalations, whether through the mouth or through the nose you will inhale and exhale air;
If you managed to completely relax, and dizziness did not appear, proceed to the second part of the exercise: now you need to take a full chest of air through your nose three or four times, and exhale through your mouth;
In the third stage, repeat the inhalations and exhalations, but now let the air out through almost closed lips so that it comes out with significant resistance. At first, do not be zealous, at this stage you may feel dizzy out of habit;
And finally, the final stage is the same three or four deep breaths through the nose and exhalation through half-closed lips, but now they need to be accompanied by movements of the head back and forth. As you take in air through your nose, slowly tilt your head back. And when you exhale through your mouth, just as slowly lower it until your chin touches your chest.
The author of this method: Obgal Dmitry Vladimirovich, below in the video explains in detail all the details (mirror video):
Все четыре типа дыхательных упражнений для снижения давления выполняются без напряжения, медленно и спокойно. Не нужно поднимать и опускать голову «до хруста». А если возникло головокружение, нужно прерваться на несколько минут и просто посидеть в тишине, а затем возобновить упражнения. Те, кто регулярно снижает АД с помощью этой методики, отмечают, что уже после первых нескольких занятий головокружение исчезло, а наступление положительного эффекта ускорилось.
[Видео] Доктор Евдокименко, Академик АМТН РФ «техника дыхания от давления, тревоги, волнения и панических атак»: