How to quickly and correctly teach a child up to a year to talk
If you want to know how to teach a child to speak, do not look for any special methods, this process has long been thought out by nature: the dialogue between the mother and the baby is the key to the quick and correct formation of the child’s speech abilities. You should not let speech development take its course, you need to communicate with the baby as much as possible and preferably face to face.
Constant communication with him, starting from infancy, will help teach a child to talk.
By the first year of life, children know up to 10 words, by the age of 2 years – 100, and with each month of life their vocabulary is replenished. But everything is individual, normally the child begins to speak in full-fledged sentences at the age of 3, sometimes earlier.
How to teach a child to speak correctly
If a three-year-old baby has not started to fully talk, then you need to seek help from a speech therapist. Sometimes the cause of the problem is the lack of communication with peers, and after several visits to kindergarten, the “silent” begins to speak in sentences.
In some cases, speech problems have psychological causes. Consultations with a child psychologist will help here.
How to teach a child up to one year old to talk? No developing activities, games and conversations will help to “talk” a baby up to 12 months.
Only by the first year of life will he be able to clearly pronounce simple words: “mom”, “dad”, “baba”, and imitate the sounds made by animals.
The only thing that needs to be done to develop the child’s speech skills is to talk to him, read books to him.
Tell your baby everything, even if he does not even understand many of the words you utter. Then, by the first year of life, his vocabulary will be diverse and he will begin to speak earlier.
How to quickly teach a child to talk? To speed up the formation of the baby’s speech abilities, you need to develop his fine motor skills.
Drawing, modeling and even a regular massage of the fingers and hands of the child will help to quickly master, understand, remember sounds and words.
Do not “lisp” with the child. Have an adult, mindful dialogue with him.
When talking with your baby, speak correctly, clearly. Draw each sound with your lips so that your child can see what you are doing to pronounce each specific word.
Children copy the words and behavior of adults, so this approach helps to develop new speech skills.
Do not limit your communication with your child only to activities and educational games. For him, your presence in his life and personal contact are important.
TV and audiobooks do not carry the mother’s warmth. If the baby is not given this, then speech abilities may remain at a low level.