Step-by-step instructions for using a bandage for pregnant women
Wearing a bandage not only has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother, but also benefits the fetus. The bandage helps him to take the correct position inside the uterus. At the same time, you need to understand that in order to achieve maximum benefit and prevent negative side effects, you need to have an idea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbhow to properly put on a bandage for pregnant women and wear it. We will talk about this in the material.
Who is wearing a bandage
Wearing a bandage is indicated for pregnant women, because it supports the enlarged abdomen well and eliminates its squeezing. This product helps to relieve excess stress from the back, reduces or completely eliminates back pain, and prevents stretch marks.
Wearing a bandage by a future mother is also useful for a baby – the product helps him to take the right position and serves as a prevention of early lowering.
But it is worth remembering that the bandage is not shown to everyone. It must be prescribed by a physician. Basically with a bandage on “you” several categories:
- pregnant women who lead an active and active lifestyle for more than three hours a day;
- a pregnant woman has osteochondrosis, back pain;
- insufficient tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
- the presence of a postoperative scar on the uterus after a previous caesarean section or another type of surgical intervention;
- if a woman began to develop stretch marks;
- those with multiple pregnancies;
- those with second and subsequent pregnancies;
- in the presence of various obstetric pathologies (short neck, enlarged uterus, threat of miscarriage);
- leg pain, including varicose veins.
If you do not have evidence, then the bandage can not be worn.
How to choose
The choice of a bandage begins with the question to myself – will it be useful to me later? If you want to wear the product after childbirth in order to recover faster, then it is better to buy a universal model – a combined bandage, otherwise it is called 2 in 1. They cost a little more than usual. If the pregnancy came in autumn or winter, then it is better to choose bandage shorts that cover the tummy and warm the legs of the expectant mother. If you want the bandage not to be visible under clothing, it is better to purchase a bandage-pants. It can be worn even under a tight-fitting dress, and no one will replace it. If you need a practical model that is easy to put on and take off, then it is better to choose a bandage belt. Products are great for the hot season, because they do not cover the stomach. These models are easily adjustable in diameter, so the expectant mother can easily adjust the size. If a pregnant woman has a severe back pain, then you need to pay attention to a corset bandage, it effectively relieves the load from the lumbar region and reduces discomfort when walking.
How to wear
Before putting on the prenatal bandage, you need to lie on your back so that your weight is distributed throughout the body. Raise the pelvis a little – for this, you can put a pillow or a special roller under the buttocks. After that, you can put on a bandage, tightly fastening it. After that, gently roll over onto your side and gently stand up. Be sure to check whether you put it on correctly, whether it presses on your stomach, or whether it causes discomfort.
If you have a belt brace (the most popular on the market), check that you are wearing it correctly, according to the following instructions:
- its front part should be located under the stomach and slightly cover the pubic area;
- from behind, the belt should cover the lower part of the buttocks and rest against the hips.
The bandage should not put pressure on the stomach, but it should not be too weak, then there will be no effect from the belt.
Before performing this procedure, read the manufacturer’s instructions and follow them carefully. By the way, do not hesitate to ask the sales assistant in the store where you buy the bandage to show how to put on the bandage correctly.
How to wear
The maximum beneficial effect can be achieved provided that you know how to properly wear a prenatal bandage:
- You need to follow medical recommendations when choosing a product and wearing it;
- The belt should not create excessive pressure;
- If any discomfort occurs during the use of the product, it is better to refuse to wear it and consult a doctor about the further regimen.
If you feel that you do not have enough air, the baby is actively kicking, then the belt must be removed.
As for the mode of wearing – it is prescribed by a doctor. The bandage is usually worn after 22 weeks – someone until childbirth, someone only until 30 weeks. Everything is individual.
As a rule, it is recommended to wear a bandage for pregnant women every day. This is especially true for women who lead an active lifestyle. In no case should you sleep in a bandage.
– I would advise future mothers to follow the doctor’s recommendations. The bandage really makes life easier and allows you to live more actively. I also want to recommend choosing a 2 in 1 bandage to wear it after childbirth – the uterus will be pulled down, you will recover faster. Put it on correctly, following all the instructions, otherwise both you and the baby will be uncomfortable. Ask your doctor for wearing time, you can’t walk in it for a long time, commented young mother Kristina Kostyleva.
Popular questions and answers
Answers Olga Diveeva – gynecologist-endocrinologist, nutritionist, head of the clinic of integral medicine Diva Clinic:
Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?
• Reduces back pain;
• Wearing a bandage is a prevention of the incorrect position of the fetus, premature birth;
• It also helps with varicose veins of the small pelvis.