How to put an end to swollen feet?

How to put an end to swollen feet?

Chic here is summer! Some take out the little summer dresses while others do not dare because of the legs or feet that double in size. Here are some tips to relieve your legs and enjoy the beautiful season.

How to enjoy summer when your legs or feet are swollen? It is not aesthetic and it is sometimes even painful. You are given several natural remedies to try to reduce this water retention.

Why do the legs and feet swell?

As soon as summer and the heat hits, your feet or legs swell. On the one hand you find it unsightly, and on top of that it can be painful. Where is that from ? If you don’t have kidney problems or severe pathology, you can try alternative medicine. However, if the swelling is a side effect of treatment or a sign of a more serious problem, see your doctor promptly.

Usually, when the legs and feet swell, it is a problem of water retention, overweight or venous insufficiency in the lower limbs. With heat, the vessels dilate to keep the body temperature low at all costs. Problem, Once dilated, these blood vessels have a hard time getting blood back to the heart. Water gets stuck in your swelling feet. If the veins lose elasticity, the blood will tend to stagnate and escape to the tissues causing the swelling you are experiencing. Also be aware that pregnancy can promote this type of constraint: the baby presses on the vena cava and somewhat disrupts blood circulation.

Elevate your legs

First little trick, very simple and which does not require any equipment or external help: the heightening of the feet. Once you get home, lie down on your bed or sofa, head flat, feet resting on cushions. This position will help the blood flow better. You can also slip a cushion under the mattress to keep this little tilt all night long. During the day, it is also possible to lie down directly on the floor, with your legs against a wall. Immediate benefit!

The benefits of self-massage 

To relieve swelling legs and feet, reduce water retention and improve circulation, self-massage is highly recommended. By circular movements, massage your toes and the whole foot up to the heel, then your ankles and so on up to the knee. Don’t forget the back of the knees. Concretely, sit down comfortably and cross one leg over the other to access your feet; Repeat several times on both legs. 

The cold water jet

This is a grandmother’s remedy as old as the world, but still as effective as ever! You come home after a hot day, your feet have doubled in size, your shoes hurt… Don’t panic! In the shower, run a fairly strong stream of cold water (as cold as you can handle it, as this doesn’t have to be torture) over each leg, bottom to top for about five minutes. Cold water will tone the dilated vessels and stimulate blood circulation.

Take care of your diet

Swelling in your legs or feet is a direct result of being overweight. Maintain regular physical activity and watch your diet. Make an appointment with a nutritionist if you need a helping hand to rebalance your menus. Avoid dishes that are too fatty, too salty and favor foods rich in vitamin C and E and omega-3s (such as fish). ” We must also eat foods that protect our blood vessels such as citrus fruits, red fruits, peppers or tomatoes. »Advises Ariel Toledano, phlebologist.

Another natural remedy: parsley infusion! Prepare a parsley puree (three whole branches cooked in 500 ml of water and then mixed), put this puree in an infusion that you will have left to stand overnight. Filter and drink in three doses during the day! Herbal teas of red vine, cherry stems, black currant leaves and hibiscus flowers will also help you. Mix them in the same pot and when you feel the need prepare an infusion with a spoon of this mixture. Let the plants steep for ten minutes in hot water before drinking.

Foot baths

You can also use herbs to relieve swelling in the lower limbs. In a basin of lukewarm water mixed with a tablespoon of coarse salt, submerge your feet for about thirty minutes. Sage is also recommended: prepare an infusion with a handful of sage and when it has become lukewarm pour it into a basin and dip your feet in it until the mixture has turned cold.

Essential oils

Are you a fan of essential oils? So much the better because they offer us several solutions for heavy and swollen legs. Cypress essential oil and pistachio lentil oil are for example decongestant for the venous system, peppermint is invigorating and refreshing and cedar contains draining properties. Mix five to seven drops of each oil in a vegetable oil of your choice and massage your legs from the bottom up.

Read also: What are the dangers of heat?   

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