How to put an end to heavy legs?

How to put an end to heavy legs?

How to put an end to heavy legs?
The feeling of heavy legs can affect anyone. It can be due to a simple feeling of tiredness or be caused by poor blood circulation. PasseportSanté helps you to see more clearly and to discover how to prevent and relieve the feeling of heavy legs.

What is it ?

A feeling of heavy legs is often due to venous insufficiency. The blood going back up in all the leg and in part of the bust to reach the heart, it happens that after a certain time the venous system deteriorates. This feeling of heavy legs can be a warning sign of varicose veins. The problem then comes from valves located along the veins that can no longer contract or relax at the right time.1. They weaken and prevent blood from circulating properly.

Another problem can come from the muscles of the legs, and especially the calf: these, by contracting, act as pumps for the surrounding veins. Thus, if these muscles are not strong enough, the work of the veins is less efficient. 

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