How to punish a child correctly: advice from a psychologist

How to punish a child correctly: advice from a psychologist

😉 Greetings to my regular readers and visitors of the site! Friends, can a child be punished? Of course, you can, but what is the best way to do this without humiliating him or traumatizing his psyche? About this in the article “How to punish a child correctly: tips, video”

How to punish a child

Children bring joy, but often they play pranks and do not obey. Some parents stick to the old carrot and stick rule and go overboard with the stick as an upbringing.

Many parents do not believe that until a certain age, the baby should not say the word “no”. And in this way they inculcate spoiledness. (For example, in Japan, everything is allowed for children under 5 years old). And there are parents who “strangle” their beloved child with their care. They tolerate pranks, and then explode over little things. What is the best way to act at a certain moment?

How to punish a child correctly: advice from a psychologist

Are you doing the right thing with the child?

Parents deprive their child of sweets, prohibit walking or playing computer games. Before depriving something, you should think about whether he really deserved punishment. It often happens that the kid did not understand that this offense was not allowed.

If punishment is nevertheless necessary for disobedience and measures need to be taken, then the child needs to be explained for what he was punished. If you punish a kid without explaining the reason for the punishment, then growing up, you can get an “egoist”. After all, thinking will develop in such a way that whatever it does is still bad, and so it goes.

After the conversation, calmly discuss with him his wrongdoing and the possible consequences. After all that has been said, clarify what conclusions he made for himself and how he plans to act in the future.

After finishing the conversation, hug your child, caress and kiss. During an incident, when a parent scolds a baby, he has a feeling that mom or dad will stop loving him because of a misdemeanor. He begins to be afraid and cry. Therefore, after the conversation, it is necessary to caress the baby, he must understand that he is loved and the punishment does not change this.


  1. Not reacting to the leprosy of children is as harmful as overdoing it with punishment.
  2. If punished, then for a significant offense. Should not be punished because of thoughts or his character.

Punishment options:

  1. Scolding: Saying a hard “no” is sometimes much more effective than yelling and very long lectures.
  2. Isolation is used when you need to show your anger. For example, “Go to your room for the whole evening and think about your behavior there”
  3. The prohibition of entertainment is well applicable when the little person does not fulfill the agreement.
  4. Deprivation of a gift. For example, a student promised to finish the year with “good”, but finished with “satisfactory”, without making enough efforts to achieve the goal.

Good deeds

Introduce good deeds to your child’s upbringing. Actions do not always have a price. Sometimes good is done just like that, for “thank you”.

Rewarding the child always and for any reason, he will become mercantile and pragmatist. Having matured, any act he commits will only benefit himself. For example, it will help in any situation, but it will definitely require something in return.

Explaining the consequences of a misconduct, it is advisable to clarify that there is the opposite of pranks, that is, alternatives that are beneficial for both parties.

How to punish a child correctly: advice from a psychologist

We draw conclusions:

There is no need to resort to punishments before the baby is 2,5-3 years old. He must be able to understand the purpose of punishment – to teach him to behave correctly. He should see punishment as the result of some of his wrong actions, and not as a manifestation of evil will. After all, your task is not to offend, but to indicate that this and that should not be done.

Your child is already a person. From the first years of life, one should not “lisp” with him, but talk as with a friend in an adult way and he will remain a friend forever.

There is no single recipe for upbringing, so choose the “golden mean”: do not hit children, but also do not let “sit on your neck.”

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