How to pump up your ass at home: 5 minutes from Samira Mustafayeva

So what exercises will help pump up your ass?

1. Lunge with the leg back

Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg does not extend beyond the foot, otherwise you risk overloading the knee joint. Also, don’t forget the 90 degree angle between your thigh and lower leg. When lifting out of the lunge, try to bring your leg to parallel with the floor.

2. Leaving the legs to the side

Again, pay attention to the knee of the supporting leg – it should be slightly bent. When performing swings, do not strive to make them as high as possible. It is better to concentrate on the muscles that are involved in the work. To increase the load, move the body forward and do not lower the swing leg to the floor.

3. Leading the leg back

Slide the housing forward and secure it. The fly leg must be taken back and raised to the maximum, while it should not be placed on the floor after the swing. It is better to bring forward, bent at the knee. Help yourself with your hands to maintain balance.

4. Squats with twists and leg raises

First, you should get acquainted with the squatting technique for girls. We have a whole lot of material on this topic on our website. In her version, after the squat, Samira suggests twisting and lifting the leg bent at the knee.

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