A beautiful female ass is not only an object of admiration for the stronger sex, but also the envy of her friends. Woman’s Day asked the girls how to achieve the result.
Only the owners of pumped-up buttocks themselves know how much work and willpower is invested in this part of the body. Let’s follow their example!
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Height Weight: 162 cm, 55 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. Squats, dumbbell lunges, deadlifts, bench press. In addition to strength training, it is important to include aerobic or cardio exercises: jogging, tennis, cycling, swimming in the pool. This will not only tone your body, but also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Glute building is a long process in which perseverance and perseverance are important. It must be remembered: in order to pump up the gluteal muscles, not only exercise is important, but also nutrition. It should contain foods rich in protein, building blocks for muscle growth.
Menu for the day. It is important that the diet consists of foods that are high in protein. For example, chicken breast, salmon, beef, eggs, tuna, lentils, squid, low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese. Don’t forget about carbohydrates and fats. In percentage terms: 50% – proteins, 40% – carbohydrates and 10% – fats.
Height Weight: 165 cm, 53 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. It is best to swing your buttocks in a gym with weights. But at home, you can also maintain shape with squats (50 times in 3 sets) and lunges (3 sets, 15 times for each leg). All this can be done with weighting agents.
Menu for the day. In the morning I eat scrambled eggs or porridge, muesli, tea or coffee with milk. Lunch is meat and porridge, but now I try to eat more vegetables. And for dinner – fish, cottage cheese or fermented baked milk. During the day – snacks with bananas and apples.
Anastasia Petrovykh, 24 years old
Height Weight: 160 cm, 47 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. There is no one-size-fits-all exercise that definitely pumps up the ass. It is impossible to pump up just one part of the body in isolation. I will say one thing: the best in terms of body shaping is the gym. A set of correctly selected exercises and together gives an ideal figure. Well, specifically for the buttocks, my favorite exercises are squats, deadlifts on one leg (body bends, standing on one leg, touching the floor with your hands), Bulgarian split (lunges in which the leg behind is placed on a bench or step), and regular lunges. But you shouldn’t combine everything in one day.
Menu for the day. Meat, vegetables, cereals, sometimes a little sweet in the morning. The figure allows. I eat when I want and when there is an opportunity. I don’t eat in reserve. There is no regime, because work does not allow.
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Height Weight: 168 cm, 59 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. Each girl has her own structure of the gluteal muscles. The nature and type of exercise depends on the length and direction of the muscle fibers. For example, the owners of short muscle fibers in this zone (“Brazilian butt”) are suitable for exercises at a fast pace and all kinds of jumps. And for girls with long fibers, deep squats with a lot of weight.
Menu for the day. It consists mainly of lean protein (fish, chicken breast, egg whites) and complex carbohydrates (rolled oats, rice, buckwheat). And as snacks, I eat dried fruits, nuts and coffee with soy milk.
Height Weight: 164 cm, 64 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. During the phase of keeping in shape, an effective exercise is to abduct the hip in a cuff while standing in a crossover machine. The second exercise – lunges in the Smith machine (simulator) with the fixation of the second leg on the bench.
Menu for the day. It depends on the amount of workouts and the upcoming activity. On high activity days, I allow myself more carbs and increase my total calories for the day. Breakfast: 100 g of porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, linseed) + 20 g of dried fruits. Snack: 300-400 g of unsweetened fruit, 70 g of low-fat cheese. Lunch: vegetable salad, 150 g of chicken meat, 50 g of porridge. Dinner: 100 g of chicken, steamed vegetables, 150 g of cottage cheese 5%.
Tatiana Belomestnova, 22 years old
Height Weight: 166 cm, 56 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. The most effective exercises, in my opinion, are the plie squat (with legs wide apart and weights in the arms), leg press, crossover leg swings, and prone leg curl.
Menu for the day. I try to do morning workouts on an empty stomach, so my first breakfast usually starts at 11:00: salad with cabbage, cucumbers, herbs with lemon juice. Lunch: fish or veal with grilled vegetables. Dinner: low-fat fish or, for example, baked apples with cottage cheese and nuts.
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Elvira Ismailova, 22 years old
Height Weight: 168 cm, 57 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. The squat is classic: first without weight to warm up, and then 3-4 sets with a weight of 20-25 repetitions. Next – lunges, it is possible with or without weight – 3-4 sets of 20-25 repetitions. Then the Good morning exercise – bends of the body on straight legs – with or without weight, 3-4 sets of 20-25 repetitions. Then, abducting the leg to the side or swinging the legs, 3-4 sets of 15 times on each leg. You can also advise instead of swings or in addition to the gluteal bridge on the mat – 3-4 hikes 30 times.
Menu for the day. Breakfast is always complex carbohydrates + fats + fiber. As a rule, this is oatmeal 60 g + 20-30 g of nuts + ½ banana. Second breakfast: often 5% cottage cheese with sweetener with ½ banana or berries. Lunch: porridge (pre-weighed 50 g of dry cereal) + 250 g of chicken breast (fry in a non-stick pan, spices), add oil after cooking so as not to increase the calorie content of the product and not lose useful properties + fiber (vegetables, herbs) + 1 tbsp … l. olive oil. Snack before 16:00: 3-4 loaves of tea. Dinner: fiber + protein. These are usually scrambled eggs and cucumbers.
Tatiana Belozorova, 23 years old
Height Weight: 160 cm, 46 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. A lot of them. Lunges, deep squats, lying bridge, hip extension lying on the floor, deadlift (body bends, standing on one leg, with hands touching the floor) and others are very effective. The main thing is the regularity and correctness of the implementation.
Menu for the day. Breakfast: oatmeal in 0,5-1,5% milk (which does not require cooking). Lunch: salad or cheese cakes or chicken with vegetables – all in a small portion. Lunch – baked chicken chop with a side dish and vegetables. Afternoon snack: salad from fresh vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese. Dinner: baked fish with vegetables. You need to eat often and little by little, drink plenty of water. In my diet there is absolutely no mayonnaise, butter, a minimum of flour, sweet and fried. Choose one day a week when you eat something delicious and unhealthy, and better in the morning.
Height Weight: 163 cm, 50 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. You need to work with good weights and, first of all, do basic exercises: deep squats with a barbell, deadlift on straight legs. But first you need to learn the correct exercise technique, and then move on to the weights. Do not “burn out” yourself in training. Do not get carried away with quantity, work for quality!
Menu for the day. Building your glutes, like any other muscle, can only be done with enough energy for a workout and recovery period. Muscle does not grow during training! Proper nutrition is the key to success. My diet is a diet for those who are gaining muscle mass, and not suitable for those who want to lose weight. First breakfast: buckwheat porridge on the water without anything! Second breakfast: buckwheat porridge + protein (chicken breast or eggs) and raw vegetables. Lunch: buckwheat porridge and meat (sometimes I allow myself beef) and also vegetables. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese up to 5% (long protein). Dinner: fish or meat or eggs (protein) and vegetables. Before going to bed: cottage cheese or kefir.
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Height Weight: 180 cm, 67 kg.
Exercises to build your glutes. I advise all girls who want to get their buttocks in shape to pay attention to weight training. There is no need to be afraid of “iron”, on the contrary, it will help you on the way to beautiful legs and buttocks. Be sure to squat and lunges. I prefer to work with a barbell, but dumbbells can be used.
Menu for the day. Be sure to watch your diet. Sweets and cakes should be removed. More poultry, seafood, vegetables and fruits, especially during the cold autumn. My menu. Breakfast: natural coffee without sugar, oatmeal, egg. Lunch: baked chum steak, vegetable salad. Dinner: broccoli casserole with garlic and cheese. Snacks: fruits, kefir, cottage cheese, protein shakes.
Vote for the most interesting figure on the next page!
What fitness experience from Rostov inspired you to go in for sports?
Yulia Artamonova
Sophia Postregan
Anastasia Petrovykh
Daria Vasilets
Inna Motunova
Tatiana Belomestnova
Elvira Ismailova
Tatiana Belozorova
Elina Mikhailova
Yana Spivakova
Voting is over! Yulia Artamonova, Yana Spivakova and Sophia Postregan receive gift certificates for a month of Argentine tango classes at school