How to prune beets
Beets are very unpretentious. It is easy to grow and store. It contains a large amount of vitamins: pectin, vitamin C, zinc, betaine. Beets are good for our health and digestion. But after harvesting, you may think about how to properly prune beets for the winter so that they can be stored longer. Pruning is an important step and should be given special attention.
Pruning is an important step in preparing beets for the winter, and following some general rules will help preserve them for longer. By choosing the right variety and following the correct harvesting technique, you will have healthy beets that will last for a long time.
If you cut the beets correctly and follow the storage rules, then they will retain all the useful properties and remain the same juicy
Observe the following general rules:
- choose frost-resistant varieties. These include “Ideal”, “Cold-resistant 19”, “Madame Rougette” and others;
- harvest before the first cold weather. Do this on a day when it is not raining;
- dry the beets: you can just leave them on the ground or, if it’s wet outside, bring them into a ventilated area.
With these simple rules, you will increase the number of root crops suitable for winter storage. For this purpose, choose only healthy fruits.
How to trim beets correctly
How to prune beets? Easily. The tops are cut first, and then the fruit. The process is simple and is as follows:
- Take a sharp knife and cut off the tops.
- Do not cut it off completely, leave about 1 centimeter.
- Do not try to pry or twist it. This will only harm the fetus, and then it will not be suitable for storage.
- Use a sharp knife to trim the root crop.
- Cut off all the side roots.
- Trim the root, but leave about 6 centimeters long.
Pruning is a very easy process. Also remember that you cannot wash the fruit after this. The soil on them helps to keep them longer. You just need to shake off large pieces of earth.
You can store beets in different ways:
- in a box, after filling it with dry sand;
- in a box, sprinkling the fruits with ashes;
- in a box with potatoes. In this case, the beets will receive the necessary moisture, and the potatoes will not be stored in excessive moisture.
Storing it is also simple, the main thing is not to put the box of beets in a damp place, as this can lead to the appearance of rot and bacteria.
In winter, the body needs more vitamins and fresh vegetables and fruits. If you save your beet crop for the winter, you will get the vitamins you need and delicious vegetables. Plus, you can be sure your beets are completely natural and free of chemicals. After all, its storage will not cause you any trouble.