Columnar apple trees are the result of a natural mutation of an ordinary apple tree. A Canadian gardener discovered on his very old apple tree a thick branch that did not form a single branch, but was all strewn with ripe apples.
This happened in 1964, and since then, biologists and botanists, interested in such an unusual phenomenon, have comprehensively investigated the causes and consequences of such a metamorphosis. Agronomists and gardeners were interested in this case no less than theoretical scientists and, in turn, began breeding work to develop new varieties of columnar apple trees.
In recent years, the popularity of columnar apple trees among gardeners flares up and then fades, there are both positive and negative reviews. Our article is for those who nevertheless decided to grow such small, but very productive trees in their garden. Today we will talk about how to properly and at what time to prune columnar apple trees.
In order to perform pruning for such a seemingly simple job, it is necessary to know the morphology of the plant, to determine which parts of the tree will be priority in development, and which should be constantly pruned. The main morphological features of columnar apple trees:
- columnar trees have a certain gene, which led to such an unusual structure;
- growth of hybrids differs depending on the classification of the rootstock on which it is grafted, these are five groups: super-dwarf, dwarf, semi-dwarf, medium and vigorous;
- roots are underdeveloped, superficial, the depth of their occurrence in the soil is up to 1 meter;
- vetvi columnar apple trees – located, in relation to the main trunk, at an acute angle, their growth occurs along the main trunk, without pruning, the apple tree will look like a pyramidal poplar, lateral growths columnar apple trees are always thinner and shorter than similar branches of ordinary trees;
- trunk – thickened, covered with many small branches, which are densely overgrown with leaves, flower rings form at the ends of the shoots;
- the upper growth bud is a priority, due to its proper development, the entire vegetation of the columnar apple tree occurs, it cannot be cut, it must be protected from winter frosts and rodents (mice, hares, rabbits).
Some apple hybrids can be grafted onto vigorous rootstocks (antonovka, anise). This is acceptable, but you need to know: such trees later form a greater number of side shoots and take up relatively much space in the garden. When planting such seedlings, this nuance should be taken into account.
Trimming and shaping rules
The columnar apple tree is always a low plant, reaching a height of 1,5 – 2,5 meters. It is formed into one main trunk, sometimes for insurance at the beginning of the growing season it is recommended to leave 1-2 of the lowest lateral branches in case of loss of the apical bud. If this happens, then the tree is formed from the side shoot, which is closest to the trunk. In this case, a slight bend of the apple tree will not be noticeable. The damaged top is cut off.
First year of planting
Old trees over many years of existence are overgrown with many branches, their tops become inaccessible, as the plant sometimes reaches very high heights. The lateral branches of such giants are thick and long, the lowest of them cover a large space around the trunk, the roots occupy a significant part of the territory. Nothing grows under such trees, even capital pruning does not help. The current gardeners do not want to put up with this state of affairs, they are trying to remove the giants who have taken possession of large areas in the territory of their garden.
On the vacated plot, instead of one ordinary apple tree, up to 30 columnar hybrids can be planted, which will painlessly replace the old giant: they will not reduce productivity, ensure annual fruiting, reduce the time for obtaining first fruits to 1-2 years instead of 5-7 years for the old varieties of apple trees that are familiar to us . Weigh all the pros and cons of growing columnar apple trees in your garden, consider a plan for planting seedlings, calculate the required number of them, depending on the free area.
Saplings of columnar apple trees are acquired in early spring, just before planting in a permanent place. They are planted according to a predetermined pattern: in one row (with an interval of 40-50 cm from each other), in several rows (50-70 cm are left between rows) or in a separate column with formation on trellises (see photo). Most seedlings do not bear fruit in the first year, but there are super-early varieties that have time to please gardeners with the first apples before the onset of autumn.
The first rule for pruning columnar apple trees is that they do not prune in the first year, allowing the tree to adapt in a new place, get stronger and give the necessary growth of 20-30 cm by autumn. The main task of this period is to warm the seedlings for the winter in order to save the apical bud and the still weak plant itself from frost.
Pruning in the spring of the second year
Next spring is coming. The columnar apple trees in your garden have weathered the winter well. It’s time to start the annual pruning of the tree. Pruning is done at a time when the buds are still sleeping, but the trunk and small side branches have already warmed up and acquired the necessary elasticity. Prepare your tools: secateurs or sharp knives, and go out into the garden, just like the amateur gardener from our video did.
After watching this short video, you have already learned in practice how to prune young columnar apple trees. Our scheme shows how it looks theoretically, it shows the plant of the first, second and third years of life and, accordingly, the sequence of pruning lateral growths is schematically displayed.
The second rule for pruning columnar apple trees – this work is done before bud break, the top is preserved in its original form.
Starting from the third year of life, the fouling of the apple tree with lateral growths weakens and gradually completely stops. The life cycle of columnar apple trees is not very long (8-15 years), it depends on the type of scion and the varietal qualities of the hybrid. Taking into account the fact that the tree begins to bear fruit almost from the first year of planting and bears fruit every year, this period can be considered normal.
Further formation and care
It is possible to use trellises for the formation of columnar apple trees in the early period, when the trunk has not yet gained sufficient thickness and cannot resist the winds itself. For this, temporary pegs are used, which are removed as the trunk strengthens. Another thing is if gardeners want to form some kind of decorative figures from apple trees to decorate the garden. In this case, tapestries are necessary to create the intended form.
Experienced gardeners know the secrets of such formation, which, by the way, is also available to beginners.
Caring for columnar apple trees is not difficult, there is nothing unusual about this. The third rule – like all plants in the garden, they need: top dressing, watering (if necessary), disease prevention and pest control. The main thing is the correct and timely pruning in the spring and protection from the cold in winter. By following these rules, you will achieve the expected result – every year there will be beautiful and healthy fruits on your table.
- Fruits on columnar apple trees are formed close to the main trunk. Their formation begins on the lowest branches, which are literally strewn with apples. In the future, this happens throughout the entire trunk of the tree from the bottom to the very top, only around the apical part small shoots form in the form of a panicle of leaves.
- Apple trees begin to bear fruit already in the second year (sometimes during the planting season).
- The yield in the stage of an adult tree is up to 30 kg per plant per season, taking into account the planting density of columnar apple trees, from 1 m2 can be collected from 130 kg.
- On one hundred square meters of land (100×100 m) you can place a whole apple plantation, or plant the same number of seedlings along the fence. They do not take up much space and do not interfere with other plantings in the garden.
Advantages and disadvantages
Gardeners who planted their apple trees at the beginning of the period of popularization of clonal apple trees can already judge the advantages and disadvantages (in detail) now, in their opinion, such trees have their pros and cons. The undoubted advantages include the following qualities:
- precocity of apple trees – no need to wait long for the appearance of the first fruits;
- annual fruiting – there is no periodicity, as in ordinary varieties;
- compacted planting – occupy less area, compared with tall and branchy apple trees;
- simplicity and convenience in harvesting – apples are at the level of human growth, ladders and ladders are not needed.
There are also significant disadvantages:
- fragility – columnar apple trees cease to bear fruit for 8-10 years;
- the taste of apples is inferior to the old, proven over the years varieties of ordinary apple trees;
- neglected apple trees cannot be restored.
Selection work continues
The first wave of gardeners’ enthusiasm for columnar apple trees has passed, conclusions have been drawn, sometimes quite disappointing, but work on selection and improvement of the quality indicators of such apple trees has never stopped. New varieties and hybrids have already been bred and tested, the development of which took into account many shortcomings in the creation of the first columnar varieties of apple trees.
Varieties such as: Vasyugan, Ostankino, President, Currency, Iksha and many others are more winter-hardy, their resistance to scab and pests has increased, the taste of fruits has improved markedly, pruning of twigs has been reduced to a minimum. There are varieties and hybrids of different maturation periods from super-early to winter species. Scientific institutions and simple amateur gardeners, not only in Our Country, but throughout the world, are interested in creating the best varieties of columnar apple trees.
After reading our article, you can draw certain conclusions: is it worth growing columnar apple trees in your garden or are you afraid of the work associated with annual pruning of trees. We assure you that the work of pruning trees is simple, it is carried out only once a year, and then throughout the summer and autumn you will enjoy their beauty and abundant harvest.
Your little child will independently pick a ripe and juicy fruit from a small tree, taste the taste of an apple, find out where and how it grew, and did not appear from your purse after visiting the supermarket. You yourself will be pleased that you were able to grow this miracle in your beautiful and amazing columnar apple orchard. Do not forget that every person in his life should plant at least one tree.