How to provide first aid not to get infected with the coronavirus?
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Fear of contracting the coronavirus COVID-19 raises more and more questions about potentially dangerous situations. They are also responsible for first aid. We decided to talk about it with dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieścitkowski, a virologist from the Medical University of Warsaw.

What is helping people injured in the era of coronavirus?

How to provide first aid not to get infected with the coronavirus? Dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski replies honestly – saving lives in an emergency is always more important than worrying about the coronavirus. If we have gloves, we should put them on. However, we will not carry out a resuscitation action with a face mask. In this situation, however, the endangered life is most important.

  1. Also check: 10 situations where you need disposable gloves

Coronavirus COVID-19 – precautions to be taken in the event of an accident

As the virologist said, in the event of a tragic mishap, if we are carrying disposable gloves, we should wear them. Before contact with the injured person, it is also worth disinfecting hands with the gel. We must also not forget to call the emergency services on the emergency number 112. In the meantime, we should monitor the condition of the injured person. If we can, we can put her in a safe position.

  1. See also: Coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus [Updated map]

Coronavirus COVID-19 – where do infected patients go?

Patients infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus go to the nearest infectious diseases ward, where they are constantly monitored by doctors. People who have had contact with them are subject to a 14-day home quarantine. If characteristic symptoms (dry cough, fever and shortness of breath occurring together) develop or worsen, call the National Health Fund hotline XNUMX/XNUMX or go to the ward as soon as possible, avoiding public transport as soon as possible. The list of available infectious diseases hospitals is available here.

  1. Also read: Could I have contracted the coronavirus?

Check out other information on the coronavirus as well:

  1. Misuse of the masks is harmful. WHO position paper
  2. How many Europeans wash their hands after using the toilet?
  3. Atypical symptom of coronavirus infection

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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