How to protect yourself from Omicron? PAN expert councils
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Distance and masks reduce the transmission of all variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – indicates the COVID-19 team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and calls for rigorous monitoring of compliance with these rules. The primary action that may reduce the risk of infection is taking a booster dose of mRNA vaccine, the researchers reminded.

  1. Scientists have found that the new coronavirus variant is easier and faster to transmit than Delta
  2. According to experts from the Polish Academy of Sciences, the key to protecting against Omicron is to take a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine
  3. Scientists also remind you of the basic sanitary rules: distance, masks, avoiding clusters of people are tools that protect against all variants
  4. More information about Omikron can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Omicron is a new threat

“Today we are on the eve of another serious intensification of the COVID-19 epidemic” – reads in the statement published on Tuesday by the interdisciplinary team for COVID-19 at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Scientists recall that in the first half of November 2021, a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Omikron, appeared, which aroused concern about numerous modifications in its genome. In the past, changes in these genome regions have been associated with greater viral transmission.

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«We already know that these fears turned out to be correct and the Omikron variant is easier to transfer than Delta. The first European countries to report the appearance of the Omicron experience an extremely rapid increase in the number of infections, which overlaps with the current wave of infections caused by the Delta variant. Even in highly vaccinated societies, we have recently seen an extremely steep infection growth curve, with mathematical models reporting an impending wave of unprecedented heights. The Omikron variant will dominate the entire European Union by the end of February 2022. » – team members write.

At the same time, studies – initially laboratory and now epidemiological – have shown that the virus is actually relatively effective in “escaping” from the response produced by our immune system against earlier variants. The first reports speak of only 40 percent. protection against disease after two mRNA vaccinations (Pfizer and Moderna) and virtually no protection in the case of vector vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson). Similarly, in survivors, when exposed to Omikron, the risk of reinfection is very high, the researchers say.

  1. See also: Omikron attacks with lightning speed. How long does it take from infection to symptoms?

At the same time, they emphasize that this does not mean that we are in the same place as at the beginning of the fight against the pandemic. The study showed – the researchers reminded – that after receiving a booster dose of mRNA vaccine, people vaccinated with both mRNA and vector vaccines reduce the risk of symptomatic disease by about 75%. compared to unvaccinated people.

«There is currently no clear answer to the question of how much the reduced protection against infection with the Omikron variant translates into the risk of severe disease or death. Although preliminary data from South Africa seems optimistic, when assessing the risk to our society, we should wait for data from countries with a similar demographic structure. Data from Great Britain and Denmark are still too sparse, and the time since the wave began in these countries too short for the virus to reach risk groups and for people from these groups (elderly or sick) to enter a more severe phase of the disease. In some countries, the number of hospitalizations is already increasing, and the number of deaths associated with this option is likely to increase soon », we read in the statement on Tuesday.

Even assuming that Omikron will be less virulent than Delta, the very high number of cases will translate into maximum strain on the health care system of both hospitals and primary care facilities, the researchers say. “Let us remember that in Poland the number of doctors and doctors as well as nurses and nurses per population is dramatically low, definitely the lowest among the European Union countries. Numerous quarantines may paralyze not only the health care system, but also other infrastructure critical to the functioning of the society: police, fire brigades, border guards, army, education, courts, public transport, energy, etc. » – they point out.

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«The main conclusion from the analysis of the above information is that each of us is at a serious risk. The primary action which may reduce this risk is the administration of a booster dose of mRNA vaccine. Let’s not hesitate – remember that the protective effect of this vaccine starts after about 2 weeks »- remind the members of the team.

As they predict, in Poland, due to the low level of admission of basic vaccinations, nationwide, it will not be possible to control the wave associated with the appearance of the Omikron variant with only booster vaccinations. «Let us remember that distance and masks reduce the transmission of all SARS-CoV-2 variants – we call for the implementation of rigorous monitoring of compliance with these rules in public spaces. Moreover, in order to slow down the spread of infections caused by the Omikron variant, it will also be necessary to return to limiting social contacts »- they add.

«Let’s take the impending threat really seriously, as it deserves»- they conclude.

The full text of the stand is available at:

The interdisciplinary advisory team for COVID-19 was established at the Polish Academy of Sciences on June 30, 2020. The chairman of the group is the president of the Polish Academy of Sciences, prof. Jerzy Duszyński, and his deputy – prof. Krzysztof Pyrć (Jagiellonian University).

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