How to protect yourself from coronavirus: memo and tips

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The causative agent of infection COVID-19 is distinguished by its high spreading rate, infectiousness, vitality. However, he is not immortal either: experts name 5 things that the coronavirus is really afraid of.

Coronavirus: what to do to avoid getting sick

Most of us have become “professors” on this topic, but let’s repeat the simple rules. Follow these tips not only during a pandemic. Let it become a part of your habits forever:

How to protect yourself from coronavirus: memo and tips


The COVID-19 pathogen feels best at +4 degrees. These are the most comfortable conditions for its transmission and reproduction. But already at +22, the speed of movement of the pathogen falls by more than two times. At +38 the virus begins to die. Higher temperatures neutralize it completely.

However, neither a hot bath nor a steam room creates a deadly environment for the virus, since the body temperature in these cases still does not rise above +37.

Conclusion: regular heat treatment of surfaces, ironing clothes and reusable masks with a hot iron is one of the simplest, but effective methods of fighting the “Chinese” infection.


Any alcohol-containing agent and antibacterial soap has a destructive effect on the virus.

Conclusion: Treat your hands with an antiseptic drug immediately after touching potentially dangerous objects. Later, when the pathogen overcomes the skin barrier and penetrates inside, it is useless to do this.


By air – along with droplets of moisture that an infected person exhales – the coronavirus spreads 1 meter. During coughing or sneezing – by 8. Fortunately, he is not able to move long distances.

Conclusion: avoid crowded places and keep your distance!


Reports that frequent drinking “flushes” the infection into the stomach, where it breaks down the gastric juice, are in the realm of myth. But still, clean water makes it difficult for the virus to enter the cell and makes the infection easier.

Conclusion: observe the optimal (2-2,5 liters of water per day) drinking regime.


Italian doctors shared an interesting observation. Despite the high contagiousness of the coronavirus, many are immune to it: there can be both sick and absolutely healthy people in the same family. Obviously, these many have stronger immunity.

Conclusion: neither lemons, nor honey, nor ginger, nor miracle foods cure COVID-19 or prevent infection. But, like other immunostimulants, they increase the body’s resistance to all viruses, including the “corona”.

Strengthen immunity in all available ways: with nutrition, healthy sleep, hardening, moderate physical activity.

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