How to protect yourself against coronavirus infection? Experts recommend the technique of “garlic breath”
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A study by British scientists that has just been published sheds new light on the principle of “Distance, Disinfection, Mask”. Distance, as well as air ventilation, play a key role in preventing COVID-19 transmission. “Garlic breath” will help us to keep a proper distance.

  1. For example, the authors of a study published in the British Medical Journal state that “contamination with a virus after touching a surface is now considered to be really minimal”. Previously, it was believed that the virus spreads in this way
  2. However, we have known for several months that the easiest way of transmission of the virus is through droplets. We can get infected while talking and staying in one room
  3. How to avoid infection? Experts call for adequate ventilation and distance
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Garlic breath distance is intended to protect against COVID-19 infection

The Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, constantly emphasizes that we should be bound by the principle of “distance, disinfection, mask”. Meanwhile, Dr. Julian Tang, virologist at Leicester Royal Infirmary and author of a new study published in the British Medical Journal, believes that stress has so far been inadequately handled.

– In our opinion, the message “disinfection, mask, distance” (such a schedule applies in Great Britain – editor’s note) should in fact be “distance, distance, disinfection” – said the virologist in an interview with Sky News.

  1. Check also: Prof. Parczewski: wearing masks outside is pointless. Why?

In his opinion, the transmission of the virus is easiest when two people are in the so-called conversational distance, i.e. a distance of 1 meter. How can you tell if you are standing too close to each other? An effective method is the “garlic breath” strategy.

– When you talk to a friend or share the same air while listening to a friend talk to you, we call it “garlic breath distance”. So if you can sense what your friend was eating for lunch, you breathe the same air, so you might as well inhale viruses with it, Dr. Tang explained.

Viruses can survive in the air for several hours

According to the virologist, not only the distance between the interlocutors is important, but also the ventilation of closed rooms where people are present.

– Wearing masks is fine, social distancing is good, but the issue of air in confined spaces should be improved. This can be done through ventilation.

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The British Medical Association (BMA) is of a similar opinion, pointing to the need for better ventilation of rooms. Especially in the context of bars, restaurants and workplaces that may soon re-open in Great Britain.

In a report published in the British Medical Journal, we read that virus particles can survive in the air for up to several hours.

People are much more likely to contract the virus in a windowless room, where windows cannot be opened or where there is no ventilation system, the publication says.

  1. How to effectively ventilate a room? It is worth taking a simple expert advice

The report tells us that the risk of COVID-19 infection through a surface, e.g. touching a desk or documents, is much lower.

– The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by touching the surface is currently considered to be relatively minimal, the experts conclude.

Also read:

  1. You don’t have to disinfect everything? Experts change recommendations
  2. Experts: we will win with the pandemic if 60 percent. the population will wear masks and keep their distance
  3. Grzesiowski: «drive thru» vaccination points break safety rules. Vaccination is not fast food
  4. Will there be consequences for people not getting the COVID-19 vaccine?
  5. How many people in Poland died or had thrombosis after vaccination? New data
  6. Will it also be possible to mix COVID-19 vaccines in Poland? The Ministry of Health responds

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