How to protect your hair from the sun

How to protect your hair from the sun

In summer, not only our skin needs protection, but also our hair. They get no less from the sun’s rays. How to keep your hairstyle and protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, tells the hairdresser-stylist of the show “Reload” on TNT Evgeny Sedoy.

The most effective way to protect yourself is with a hat or kerchief. With these simple items, you can protect not only the color and shine of your hair, but also your scalp. Believe me, there is nothing worse than a sunburn in the parting! The scalp in this place will remain red for a long time and peel off, as if you have dandruff. Doctors warn that sunburn can even thin hair. If you are using a light sunscreen spray for tanning, take the time to apply a few drops to your hair, especially in the parting.

Rule # 2. Use special shampoos

Cleansing is not the last place in hair care on vacation. Almost every manufacturer now has lines for the sun. And these means were invented for a reason. These shampoos are very mild and aim to cleanse your hair and scalp without drying it out. After washing, use a conditioner or mask from the same series. If you have long hair, be sure to bring some indelible skincare products with you to the beach. They will help to detangle hair matted by the wind and sea water.

Rule # 3. Burn out, but don’t burn out

If you have long dreamed of transforming your hair color with the help of sunlight, take pity on yourself and do not spend all day in the sun. Buy a special product that contains hydrogen peroxide. It should be applied every 20-30 minutes throughout the day. After the beach, wash your hair, dry it, and if you see that the color is not yet light enough, repeat the whole algorithm the next day. You can also use fresh lemon juice instead of hydrogen peroxide. It is lemon, not lime, green sour fruit is not suitable here, leave it for cocktails. But keep in mind, lemon works very slowly. And in any case, do not resort to these methods of color change if your hair is very dark.

Rule number 4. Don’t part with curls

Owners of curly hair adore the sea vacation, because from the sea moisture their hair gets knotted into beautiful “rings” and “waves”. Outside the sea, however, all beauty evaporates. But it can be returned! There are now a variety of seawater styling products on the market. Choose the right one, and beautiful curls will always be with you.

In the next article, you will find out which hairstyles can be done on long hair.

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