How to protect children returning to school? Important advice from a pediatrician
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Many parents are concerned about the start of full-time education. The fourth wave is already knocking on the door and experts warn that going back to school will be one of the main factors in driving it. Everyone wants to know how to increase the safety of children returning to school. Especially if they are not vaccinated against COVID-19. We asked this question to the specialist of infectious diseases and paediatrics, Dr. Lidia Stopyra. What she said should be taken to heart by every parent.

  1. Vaccines are available for children from 12 years of age, and we also know that up to 40 percent are vaccinated. teenagers. That is why it is so important that as many parents as possible – and preferably all – be vaccinated against COVID-19, says Dr. Stopyra
  2. Dr. Lidia Stopyra advises to get the flu vaccine this year. – You have to take into account the flu epidemic. If it does come, it can complicate everything for us – he warns
  3. The expert points out that even with minor symptoms of infection, the child must be left at home. Testing children cannot be avoided either
  4. What to do when suspecting COVID-19 in a child or when symptoms are more severe? The doctor reminds you of important rules
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Dr Lidia Stopyra

a specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics, heads the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics at Szpital Specjalistyczny im. S. Żeromski in Krakow.

Monika Mikołajska / Medonet: Children start full-time education. Meanwhile, the fourth wave is knocking on our door, and experts warn that going back to school will increase the already apparent increase in infections. In this situation, what can parents do to protect their children? Especially the younger ones, who cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19 yet.

Dr. Lidia Stopyra, specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics: By far the most important thing is to get vaccinated against COVID-19 – both parents and children who have been vaccinated. Let us remember that the vaccine protects against serious illness, and thus also complications and death. Although it may happen that the vaccinated person (and therefore also the child) has a positive test result (the effectiveness of vaccinations against Delta is estimated at about 80-90%), the symptoms of infection will be mild in this case.

We cannot vaccinate children under the age of 12 yet and we know that only about 30-40 percent. older teenagers took the drug. Therefore, it is all the more important that as many parents as possible – and preferably all – be vaccinated against COVID-19. I am sure that there will be illnesses in schools and that there will be outbreaks of infections there. To avoid the associated quarantine, parents must be vaccinated.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

The second important point is that children imitate their parents. So they will also duplicate their behavior in the face of epidemic reality. If the guardians ignore the obligation to wear masks, the children will do the same, and neither the school nor the teachers will change much.

You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at

Parents must also be aware that when a child begins to feel unwell, when there are already slight symptoms of infection, or even grumpiness (a small child cannot verbalize that he is feeling unwell and is just whining), it should not be sent go to school. It has to stay home.

Is it necessary to test a child for the presence of coronavirus in such a situation, or is it possible to wait and stop at home?

Child testing cannot be avoided. Sometimes parents actually leave their children at home without testing. Meanwhile, we should know what is really going on and make further decisions on this basis.

  1. Should children go back to school? The contagious doctor appeals to the parents

Let us remind you what should a parent do when he sees that the child is feeling unwell and there is a suspicion of a coronavirus infection? We already know that in such a state you should not go to school or kindergarten.

If there are no serious symptoms, the parent should contact the primary health care physician who, depending on the situation, will order a coronavirus test or a direct visit. If the child has mild symptoms that are dealt with by the parent at home, we do not take them to the clinic, night / holiday care or ED – isolation and testing are key at this point.

  1. COVID-19 symptoms – what are the most common symptoms now?

Of course, this does not apply when the child has a high fever, severe cough or shortness of breath – then we call an ambulance or take him to the clinic or hospital.

Everywhere we hear warnings that the fourth wave is approaching. Unfortunately, the flu season is also getting closer …

Yes, which is why it is so important to get your flu vaccine for yourself and your children. We can vaccinate children after six months of age. Last year, the number of cases dropped significantly, which was, among others, effect of the precautionary and closure measures in place. I hope that now we will be able to live as normal as possible, but we have to take into account the flu epidemic. If it does come, it can make things very complicated for us.

There are no flu vaccines for this season yet, but now let’s explain what time interval between COVID-19 and flu vaccines?

We expect a flu vaccine around mid-September. As for the interval between taking both preparations, it should be about two weeks. The first thing to do is to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. It is unlikely that there will be an outbreak of flu cases in the near future. But COVID-19 infections do.

Someone may think that two different vaccines, two weeks apart, may be too much for the body …

Let me give you an example: in the first six months of a child’s life, we vaccinate them against tuberculosis, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococci, meningococci, rotavirus … We give two or three doses of all these vaccines.

When it comes to immune stimulation, with a minor cold we have it much higher than with vaccination. There is nothing to fear.

Let’s stop for a moment with a cold. Experts note that infection with the currently dominant Delta variant closely resembles it. The most common symptoms include headache, sore throat, runny nose and fever. Can we somehow know if it’s Delta or just a cold?

Based on the clinical picture (symptoms), we are not able to recognize whether we are dealing with SARS-CoV-2 or with other viruses that cause colds. The only characteristic symptom of this pathogen is smell and taste disorders. They were especially visible during last year’s autumn wave. Fewer COVID-19 patients experienced them in spring. How it will be during the expected wave – we’ll see. Reports from other countries suggest that this symptom is not as common as it used to be. However, if it does occur, it is very likely that we have a coronavirus.

  1. COVID-19 Will Become a Childhood Disease? Dr. Grzesiowski: There are such hypotheses

As for the other symptoms of COVID-19, they closely resemble other viral infections. With the difference that in their case, we recover after a few days, with SARS-CoV-2 several percent of patients will develop severe symptoms, a few percent will be in intensive care, and 2-4 percent. unfortunately he will die.

We are able to make an early diagnosis only on the basis of a coronavirus test. Hence, it is so important not to give up on it, not to be afraid of it. I am also addressing these words to my parents. Importantly, if a person vaccinated against COVID-19 develops minor symptoms, they should also undergo testing. We know that the vaccinated can also be contagious, but to a much lesser extent.

It follows that vaccinated persons, including children, should also wear face masks.

Just like that. It is very important. Considering the fact that vaccines are not 100 percent. effective (not yet invented), some people who are vaccinated may carry the virus with them. Its amounts are minimal, but it does not change the fact that it is infectious material. The masks will prevent it from spreading.

What else can a parent do to increase protection for a child entering school? Diet to strengthen immunity will help?

You definitely need to eat healthy – eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, try to avoid junk food. Let’s not overdo it with the amount – obesity, in addition to other complications, increases the risk of a severe course of COVID-19, and lack of exercise is also a burden. However, we must be aware that all this does not work so that today we change our diet, eat a lot of garlic, etc., and in a week we already have results.

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We work all the time on the condition of the immune system, genetic factors, which we cannot overcome, also play a significant role. In general, it can be said that those who permanently lead a healthy lifestyle win. Although there are no certain rules.

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