Sun protection: the booster shot
First of all, we try to do the best choose your holiday destination. For example, going to the tropics with an infant is not the best idea. As a general rule, when Baby is less than one year old, we avoid the beach and especially we do not expose it to the sun when young.
For older children a golden rule: avoid any sun exposure between 12 p.m. and 16 p.m.. Protected or not, your child is too fragile to counter the radiation (ultraviolet) which is very strong and dangerous at this time of day.
Sun protection also involves clothing. Choose from light clothes and as much coverage as possible. Wear sunglasses (category 3) with enveloping shapes. Do not forget the wide brimmed hat so that Baby is best protected. Good news, this is the most economical way to protect your children from the harmful effects of the sun.
Focus on sunscreen
The epidermis of toddlers and young children is particularly sensitive. Very thin and less lubricated, it is not an effective filter against solar radiation. Especially since its defense systems are still immature. Creams and other photoprotective treatments are essential, especially since sunburn and excessive exposure in childhood greatly increase the frequency of skin cancer in adulthood. It is therefore advisable to choose care specially formulated for children: the protection they provide is ensured by non-sensitizing mineral screens, particularly suitable for the skin of the youngest. Normally with all the precautions mentioned before, the parts of the body that need to be protected will not be very important. Apply it at least every 2 hours and / or after each swim.
The 6 points to check before buying sunscreen:
The mention “very high protection”;
Double UVA-UVB protection;
IP50 + protection.
Mineral filters (chemical filters are to be avoided);
Lightly tinted color for ease of application;
Water resistance.