How to protect baby from mosquitoes?

How to protect a baby from mosquitoes without covering him with repellents with chemical components and dangerous for his health? We give you here some natural recipes.
Keep mosquitoes away
Babies are vulnerable because they are often perfectly still when sleeping. What a perfect target for a hungry female mosquito! Before thinking about products to protect your child, a few conditions are essential to meet to keep mosquitoes away from their room. Think of close window (s) and door and turn off the light when the day falls, so as not to attract mosquitoes.
Another effective trick, the mosquito net. Prefer, unless you live in a tropical region, a mosquito net not impregnated with DEET (powerful insecticide and dangerous for children). Please do not lock mosquitoes in the mosquito net when placing baby in his bed, this will not guarantee him the best night! Also note that the fan is very efficient, because mosquitoes are not at all resistant to drafts.
On the side of plants
It is also recommended on arrival of the beautiful days to put on loose clothing, light but covering for the youngest. They will not be hot and their arms and legs will be safe from mosquitoes. To protect the house or bedroom from their nocturnal attacks, plants are a great support. Know for example that the Basilic scares them away. What if you had a potty in the baby’s room, on the veranda, on the landing? Lemongrass and Geranium, better known, also work very well.
We can also crush some garlic cloves in a saucer, mix them with a little water then, after a few hours of maceration, pour this mixture into a spray bottle to put in the rooms, paying particular attention to the window frames, doors and the folds of the curtains. Mosquitoes hate this mixture!
Protecting baby is possible
If baby is not in bed, rest assured that it is quite possible to protect him without putting his skin in contact with harmful products. We know that the famous DEET present in conventional repellents can cause convulsions in babies. Here is a natural and safe lotion based on hydrosols: in a clean and dry spray bottle, mix 15 ml of bay hydrosol, 15 ml of geranium hydrosol, 15 ml of lavender hydrosol. It is a lotion that you can put on the baby’s skin or on his clothes to keep mosquitoes away.
Essential oils are not generally recommended for the youngest, with exceptions. It is for example possible to put a few drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil on a piece of fabric in the baby’s bed or stroller. From the age of three, you can apply True Lavender essential oil (a drop of essential oil diluted in four drops of vegetable oil) to your child’s skin to keep mosquitoes away from them.
Read also: The anti-mosquito guide: all you need to know about mosquito bites