How to protect a child from the evil eye and damage and envy

How to protect a child from the evil eye and damage and envy

What remedies should always be at hand from the evil eye.

Hearts on your face on Instagram. A tiny pin on your clothes. Some holy water at hand. And the traditional red wool thread on the wrist.

– I specially bought a whole skein, – says friend Polina. – I chose the best wool so that it absorbs all the negative better.

Now Polina with a huge ball of thread is a sponsor for all nearby young mothers of one hundred percent remedy for the evil eye (according to local forums and advice from newly-made grandmothers). Means, how to protect the baby from the evil eye, will be typed under a hundred. The arsenal of mothers – fighters against evil is endless: threads, rowan branches, nettle leaves, stones, pins, slander. Let’s figure out where and how to wind, what and what to apply.

The way out of competition. Someone wears it on the wrist, carried away by Kabbalah. Someone recalls the traditions of their ancestors, because the Slavs also used red wool as a talisman. If a loving person ties it to you or a child on the left wrist, then the thread will absorb bad energy. And when it is overflowing with evil, it will tear, or imperceptibly fall off your hand.

If you choose this method, make sure that the thread is natural, that the baby is not allergic to it, that the dye is of high quality. Cut off the ends, otherwise the child may choke on them. And always check that the thread does not fly off, does not break and, as a result, does not end up in the child’s mouth.

Probably the most harmless way of protection and SOS-help from the evil eye. True, if you use it only outside and be sure of the purity of this very water. If the baby is naughty, wipe the forehead with a cotton swab dipped in holy water. Did not help? Add some water when bathing. But drinking unboiled water, even holy water, is still not worth it. You can save from the evil eye, but reward the baby with a bear disease.

By the way, the official church does not recognize any evil eye, corruption, or superstition, and therefore does not recommend “curing” from magic with holy water.

Our ancestors made special amulet toys for their children. Used for such dolls the clothes of the parents. They did them without a face and with great love. No piercing-cutting objects were used in the manufacturing process, that is, no needles and scissors.

A baby should never part with a toy amulet: sleep with it, walk, eat and even swim. Now the technique of making such dolls is sometimes taught in courses for pregnant women, so that mothers go to the maternity hospital fully armed. A doctor or a nurse can also have an evil eye.

For safety, always keep your toy amulet clean, because dust, dried milk stains can “reward” your baby with stomach, lung and even delicate skin problems.

If your parents carefully kept your toys on the mezzanine, consider yourself lucky. They preserved not just memory, but a powerful talisman against the evil eye and damage for grandchildren. The sorceresses explain that this toy contains the energy of the clan, which strengthens the baby’s connection with the ancestors and neutralizes all negativity coming from the outside. The older the toy, the more powerful the protection.

Of the minuses – only the purity of the object and the safety of the material. Some plastics do not pass the test of time and begin to emit not negative, but harmful substances.

Beautiful beads, a nice little bracelet or pin with natural stones will drive away evil spirits and bad messages of envious people from your baby. Agate, cat’s eye, tiger’s eye and moonstone are named among the most powerful “defenders”. For reliability, you can collect all the stones in a single composition at once, some will work.

But beware of leaving your child alone with beads made of stones, because the baby may not even suspect that it is a talisman, and will be happy to “dine” with an unusual item.

A simple pin attached somewhere on clothing can drive away bad energy. If this method is relatively safe for an adult, then a baby with his irrepressible desire to spin, run and jump can easily get hurt.

You remember that vampires are fought with silver bullets, aspen stakes and garlic necklaces. Many mothers carefully tie a crushed clove of garlic in gauze and hang them around their necks. Probably, you will not meet a real vampire on your way, the energy one will escape from the scent, but many doctors recommend such a non-trivial way to fight infections during the epidemic season. For example, a visiting nurse recommended me to make a garlic amulet for my daughter. I don’t know whether garlic or immunity played a role, but so far the visits to the clinic for monthly examinations are held with us without snot and cough.

Garlic also has its drawbacks. Some of the babies may develop an allergy to a strong aroma. In addition, the smell irritates the mucous membranes. If fresh garlic juice gets on your skin, there is a chance of getting burned.

The easiest way to catch a bad look or the envy of other moms is on a walk. To do this, the witches recommend hiding your baby in a stroller behind curtains. Hang a white tulle curtain on the hood – it will let the air through, and for bad energy, the entrance to the stroller will be ordered.

Make sure that the curtain still allows air to pass through. And also so that it is not wet behind her, especially in frost.

– The sorceresses advise to limit your social circle three months before the birth of the baby. By this time, even the slimmest mom has a good tummy. Someone may envy your interesting position.

– Make repairs in the apartment. According to legends, bad energy lives with pleasure in old wallpaper.

– A few weeks before the birth of the baby, invite the priest home, let him consecrate the apartment. If this is not possible, spray your home with holy water and walk through the apartment with a church candle.

– If possible, do not take used things for the baby. Try to plan your budget so that the diaper, blanket, crib, and bathtub are new.

– Buy linen bedding for your baby, it has protective properties.

– Hang a bunch or branch of mountain ash at the head of the bed, they drive away bad energy.

– Limit the kid from communicating with your many friends. If they do not jinx it, then they may well infect the baby with the flu.

– Wash the floor at home more often, water perfectly cleans not only the room, but also the energy in it.

Sometimes mothers, in their desire to protect the baby from the evil eye and damage, reach absurd methods. Topic forums are literally teeming with strange advice. For example, do not look at your sleeping child and do not let anyone else do it. To wash with soap after each fleeting glance of a non-native person (problems with the skin of such children are practically guaranteed).

“Before going to bed, lick the baby’s face four times, as if baptizing, and wipe with the back of your hem” – this advice is published with the caption “verified !!!”.

And the proposal to wipe the baby’s face with the wrong side of the mother’s underwear is absolutely useless. We all know perfectly well where the child comes from, but this is not a reason to constantly remind the child of this. And the issue of hygiene for every mother should come first.

Mom, remember, if your baby cries unexpectedly for a long time, this does not mean that he has been jinxed. He may have teeth cutting, stomach ache, headache, fever, or simply be in a bad mood. So crying is not a reason to reach for a red thread and holy water, but a reason to see a doctor.

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