How to properly treat a runny nose

Acute rhinitis (runny nose) makes it difficult not only to breathe, but also to communicate, work and even get enough sleep. We are ready to use any means to breathe freely again, and we commit wrong actions.

Mistake # 1: I want it soon!

To facilitate breathing faster, we instill vasoconstrictor drops. Yes, naphthyzin, sanorin, galazolin bring relief. But it is impossible to prescribe them and at your discretion to increase the dosage and frequency of use. The drops are addictive, and the opposite effect occurs – the nasal congestion increases. Overdose can lead to spasms of the blood vessels of the heart and brain. It is necessary to apply drops strictly according to the instructions or prescription of a doctor for no longer than 6-7 days, often five is enough. It is worth noting that not every rhinitis is treated with these drugs. By the way, changing the vasoconstrictor from one group to another will not bring relief, but it will add problems. Whatever group the drug is, it does not change its essence. As a result, nasal congestion only gets worse.

Mistake # 2: abrupt cancellation

When vasoconstrictor drops stop helping, many abruptly cancel them. There is a ricochet effect – the nose clogs up even more. It is necessary to refuse funds gradually, under the supervision of a doctor, reducing the dosage of the drug within 3-4 days.

Mistake # 3: Not Hormones!

There is a bias, especially in pregnant women, that hormonal sprays have harmful side effects. But when treating a common cold with such means, the active substances enter the blood in scanty amounts, they do not cause side effects, but they cope with the problem perfectly (though not quickly).

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