How to properly throw a mirror out of the house
There is a belief that a mirror is an entrance to the other world. Therefore, you need to know how to throw a mirror out of the house so as not to bring trouble. Witches, who were mainly engaged in black magic, used mirror surfaces in many of their occult rites. Through them, they communicated with the spirits of dead people, looked into the soul of a person and even summoned demons. But of course, such communication can be very dangerous: it is not for nothing that they say that dark sorcerers have no soul.
Can i throw away mirrors?
It is believed that with frequent or incorrect use of mirrors in their rituals, the essence of the magician can go over the edge and be trapped inside the mirror. There are many superstitions associated with such a magical item:
- There are often superstitions that the souls of deceased relatives can return through the mirror surface to the world of the living. Because of this belief, they began to curtain mirrors in houses where someone was dying. Moreover, it is advised to use monochromatic, huge canvases of fabric, since they do not leave gaps through which the unhealthy energy of the other world can seep.
- In addition to witchcraft, telepathic properties are also attributed to mirrors. They are expressed in the ability to read information that is stored in a person’s soul, as well as transmit it at a distance. In particular, this applies to precisely those people who are related by family ties. Therefore, you should be very careful when looking in the mirror. Particular attention should be paid to how to throw away the mirror, and it is better to never do this.
How to properly discard the mirror?
In the Middle Ages, sick or unwell people were never allowed to approach mirror surfaces, as they could jinx them. Yes, and at present, grandmothers, especially those who remained to live in the villages, where the rumor of sorcerers and sorceresses is still circulating, talk about the unusual abilities of mirrors.
How to properly discard the mirror?
To get rid of the mirror, you need to be very careful. After all, this can bring trouble into the house. When performing the process, a number of rules should be followed:
- You can throw away the mirror only when the moon is waning, but in no case should you do this when the moon is growing.
- You can only take it out on your own.
- If you need to leave it in the trash, then it is imperative to throw three pinches of salt into it.
Do not forget about the experience of our ancestors, so we must be very careful with mirrors in the house, because they have the ability to change a person’s fate in an instant. So you need to be very careful when throwing them away.