How to properly store yeast at home

How to properly store yeast at home

Yeast is an essential ingredient in delicious baked goods. The conditions of their storage directly depend on how fluffy, airy and soft the pies, buns and pies will be. Therefore, baking lovers should figure out how to store yeast at home according to all the rules.

Knowing how to store yeast can make gourmet baked goods

Most often, fresh (pressed) and dry yeast is used at home. The latter, in turn, are divided into granular, active and instantaneous, which do not require dissolution in a liquid.

Manufacturers indicate different expiration dates for each product. However, after opening the package, the lifespan of beneficial microorganisms begins to decrease very quickly. This process can be successfully slowed down by extending it to several years. And this can be done in the following ways.

Fresh yeast storage rules

It is thanks to this ingredient that especially airy baked goods are obtained. But fresh yeast deteriorates in an opened package at normal room temperature the next day. The life cycle of fungi can be extended by several days by sprinkling the briquette with salt and flour.

A versatile method is storing yeast in the refrigerator or freezer. This is done like this:

• the product is wrapped in foil or paper and placed in the common compartment of the refrigerator. Polyethylene is not used for these purposes: the fungi will simply suffocate without air. Fresh product will remain at a temperature of 0-4 ° C for 12 days;

• the product packaged in pieces of 25-30 g, wrapped in an air-permeable casing, placed in a freezer and stored without damaging microorganisms for several years. Re-freezing is not recommended, and defrosting is carried out at a temperature of + 8 ° C;

• Within six months, your pressed yeast will be fresh if dried. To do this, they are crumbled by hand into small flakes, placed on a baking sheet and left to dry at room temperature. Then it is sprinkled with flour and placed in a cloth bag or glass container, closed on top with a cloth.

Important: Long-stored yeast is recommended to be tested for germination by dissolving a small amount of the product in a warm liquid along with sugar and flour. If foam appears on the surface of the mixture, the fungi are quite viable and the baking will succeed.

Manufacturers declare: dry granular yeast is stored for no more than 6 weeks, active yeast – up to six months, instant (added directly to the flour) – up to 5 years. After the integrity of the package is violated, an irreversible process starts: moisture is lost; the less it remains in the original product, the worse the dough will fit.

How to store yeast in granules correctly?

Such a product is perfectly stored at a temperature of 10-15 ° C for 6 months.

But in practice, granular and dry yeast tolerate refrigeration well. If the package is too large, feel free to pack the contents into small bags and send them to the freezer. Now you are provided with the main ingredient for perfect baking for the next 2 years.

Instant yeast is placed in a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid, and also stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 years.

So, knowing how to store yeast, make the most of its beneficial properties by delighting homemade baked goods made from great puffed dough.

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