How to properly store dahlias after digging

Often, the owners of country houses grow dahlias to decorate the site. This genus of flowering plants includes 42 species and over 15000 different varieties. All the colors of nature can be seen on the buds of these beautiful representatives of the flora. Depending on the variety, dahlias can be annual or perennial. Perennial plants, originally from Mexico, are thermophilic and can not always successfully survive wintering in domestic climatic conditions. That is why, having decided to grow perennial flowers on your site, you need to know how to store dahlias in winter, so that with the advent of the new season they will once again delight with their beauty of lush buds.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

Features of the root system of dahlias

Dahlias have a fairly complex root system. It consists of thick roots, which are called storage tubers, and thin roots, which supply nutrients to these same tubers. Tubers during the period of plant growth increase in volume, accumulating the necessary nutrients, and during the winter storage period they retain their viability. Each thickened tuber can live for 3-4 years. At the same time, less nourished tubers and thin roots die during winter storage.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

The roots of heat-loving dahlias are dug up for the winter and stored in favorable conditions until spring. However, it must be understood that the growth bud of new shoots of the next season is not located on the roots themselves, but in the lower part of the last year’s shoots, therefore, when pruning a bush in the fall, it is necessary to leave a small process of stems.

How to prepare tubers for storage

Various varieties of dahlias can delight with the beauty of their flowers in spring, summer or autumn. However, the lush green mass of the plant always loses its elasticity and aesthetics with the arrival of the first frost. Leaves turn black and wilted. It was at this time, without waiting for severe frosts, that it was necessary to dig up the roots of dahlias for subsequent storage.

Important! In the central part of Our Country, it is recommended to dig up dahlias in late September – early October.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

It is necessary to remove the roots of dahlias from the flower bed at positive air temperatures. You should first cut the bush of the plant, leaving 10-15 cm of shoots. The digging procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the fragile dahlia tubers. To do this, first dig in the root neck, then the tubers themselves along the perimeter, at a distance of 20-30 cm from the neck.

In autumn, before storing, the dahlia root is divided. Next year it will be possible to get a flowering bush from a part that consists of at least one tuber and a shoot with a growth bud. After dividing, the roots of dahlias are inspected for damage, putrefactive spots. All suspicious areas on the surface of the tubers must be removed. Also remove the upper part of the left stem to the growth bud and thin roots.

Dahlia roots must be treated with a manganese solution or fungicide (Maxim, Fundazol) before storage. To do this, the tubers are washed with clean water and dipped, for example, in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes. After processing, they are thoroughly dried. The recommended drying temperature is 150C, duration from 2 to 10 hours.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

Important! During drying, it is recommended to turn the roots with cut shoots down, so that all the moisture from the cavity of the glass stems.

Optimal storage conditions

In order to understand how to properly store dahlias in winter, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions under which the roots will retain their viability. So, for storing dahlias in winter, it is necessary to determine a place where there will be a consistently cool temperature within + 3 … + 70C. The humidity level should not exceed 60-70%. In private houses, such conditions can be created in the cellar, basement. To store dahlia tubers in the apartment, you can adapt a warmed balcony.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

For preservation, dahlia tubers are placed in bags, boxes or other containers during winter storage. Additionally, the tubers are poured with non-hygroscopic material, for example, sand. The most commonly used methods for storing dahlia roots are detailed below.

Ways of storage

Storing dahlias after digging is not a troublesome business if the tubers have been properly prepared. Dry roots disinfected with an antiseptic agent are well stored in conditions with low temperature and humidity. Temperature fluctuations can cause premature bud germination, which will lead to the death or deterioration of the quality of planting material. It is also important to remember that only mature tubers can be stored for storage. If you dig up the roots before the arrival of frost, then their keeping quality will be low.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

In private homes, it is easy to find a place to store dahlias. As a rule, in the cellar you can find a secluded corner with the necessary temperature and humidity. In this case, the roots can simply be put in a cardboard or wooden container, and with the advent of spring, take the container out of the cellar and plant the roots in the ground. If there are no such conditions, then it is necessary to take care of the presence of a filler in the containers, which will protect the tubers from low temperatures and humidity fluctuations. You can learn about using the most accessible methods for storing roots below.

In sand

Many owners of country houses prefer to store dahlia bulbs in the sand. This material does not absorb moisture and does not deplete the tubers. Containers are filled with sand to store tubers. It can be plastic or wooden boxes, buckets, with a volume of 20 liters. Dahlia tubers are placed in the sand in one or more rows. The storage container is covered with burlap and lowered into the cellar or basement. In the conditions of an apartment, it can be placed in a cold corridor or, for example, at the balcony door.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

During storage, you can periodically check the status of the roots. In this case, in no case should the sand be moistened, as this can lead to rotting of the roots. The peculiarity of this method of storage is the early awakening of the tubers. To prevent premature germination, it is necessary to reduce the storage temperature strictly to +30C.

In peat

Peat can also be used for winter storage of dahlia tubers. To do this, a layer of peat is sprinkled on the bottom of the box and the roots of dahlias are laid out on it. Another layer of peat is scattered over the tubers. Such boxes can only be stored in a cellar or basement, where there is no access to light and sharp temperature fluctuations.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

in sawdust

You can save dahlia tubers until spring in sawdust. The only requirement for such a filler is the size of the segments. It is better to use coniferous wood shavings for storage. It will not absorb moisture from the environment and the roots themselves. Pour sawdust into a wooden or plastic container with air access. The use of airtight plastic bags to preserve the roots is not at all acceptable, since the lack of ventilation will cause them to rot.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

in paraffin

For some residents of apartment buildings, the issue of storing dahlias indoors is particularly acute. For them, there is the most time-consuming, but effective way to store dahlia roots, which uses paraffin.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

The main advantage of paraffin is tightness. It does not allow the roots to absorb moisture and evaporate it. As a result of the use of such material, the tubers do not dry out and do not rot. Pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses do not develop under a layer of paraffin.

You can “pack” dahlia tubers in paraffin as follows:

  • Candles or paraffin are ground into shavings (you can grate on a coarse grater) and then poured into a container, at the bottom of which there is a little water.
  • A container with paraffin is placed in a water bath for melting. The result should be a layer of viscous liquid of 2-5 cm.
  • It is necessary to immerse the roots in paraffin for just a few seconds. Taking them out of the container, you can see the paraffin film, which will protect the tubers from external factors during winter storage.

How to properly store dahlias after digging

Tubers in paraffin can be placed in boxes, buckets or bags, wrapped in foil. The peculiarity of this method of storage is the premature germination of tubers. Therefore, it is recommended to use the method for early varieties.

An example of how to save dahlias in winter with paraffin is well described in the video:

How to store dahlias. How to wax tubers

Important! Only small, divided roots can be “dipped” in paraffin, otherwise a large amount of this substance will be needed.

Vermiculite for storing tubers

Vermiculite is a natural material that is not hygroscopic and can replace paraffin in its properties. For storage of dahlia tubers, it is recommended to use coarse vermiculite. You can find it in the agricultural store. A layer of vermiculite is poured into an airtight container and tubers are laid on top of it, sprinkling another layer on top. So, fill the entire container and close it with a film or airtight lid.

How to properly store dahlias after digging


Regardless of the filler, containers with roots must be placed in a cool, dark place with the recommended humidity level. Otherwise, the roots will dry out or, conversely, germinate prematurely. If in a private house the storage issue can be solved quite simply by placing containers in the cellar, basement or, in extreme cases, in a cold corridor, then in an apartment this can become a real problem. Of course, the boxes can be installed on the balcony, but there will always be a possibility of them freezing. To prevent freezing, containers are brought into the room, placed at the balcony or front door (in the coolest place). Such fluctuations in temperature will affect the quality of the roots. A paraffin shell and a heat-insulating shelter can smooth out the negative impact. In extreme cases, storing dahlias in an apartment can be done in a refrigerator, however, it is unlikely that a large number of tubers can be put in a refrigerator.

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