How to properly store birch brooms for a bath
It has long been proven that the use of a broom in bath procedures has a beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, a visit to the steam room is rarely complete without this item of bath use. In order to be able to use it more than once, you must first know how to properly store brooms for a bath. In this regard, there are a number of tips and tricks.
Tips: how to store different types of bath brooms
Bath brooms are made of various materials. Each of them has special useful properties and recommendations for storage:
- The first in popularity is a birch broom, it is easy to use, its rods are flexible enough, and the leaves contain vitamins A and C and useful tannins. A broom is best made from curly – fluffy birch. This species has strong branches, and most importantly, the leaves are not afraid of steam.
- Oak broom is no less popular. Bath lovers appreciate it for its very dense leaves, which perfectly pump steam, but at the same time remain dry themselves. The first weeks of September are considered the best time to harvest an oak broom. The use of an oak broom is recommended for people with increased perspiration, as well as for skin problems. You need to store such a broom in a dry place, otherwise mold will form on its surface.
- Brooms made of coniferous trees are quite tough, so before use they must be dipped in boiling water for half an hour. Coniferous brooms: spruce, pine, cedar have a lot of healing properties, bath procedures with them are indicated for frequent colds, problems of a nervous nature. Sharp needles have an excellent effect on the skin, increasing its elasticity, tone, and the pine scent heals insomnia. It is not recommended to use coniferous brooms for people with sensitive skin. You can store them directly in the bath, hooked onto a carnation.
How to store birch brooms for a bath correctly?
Less common, but no less useful are nettle, walnut, maple, ash brooms. Although it should be borne in mind that storing nettle brooms is not recommended, and they should be used no more than once.
How to store birch brooms for a bath?
The storage of birch brooms is different from the rest. In this case, you need to pay attention to the following:
- In order to prevent the leaves from stifling and the needles not to crumble, the brooms should be stored in a spacious place with good air circulation.
- The distance between the brooms should be 30 cm.
- The best option is a dry and moderately cool place that does not let in sunlight.
Any bath broom will retain its healing properties only if the storage requirements are met. It can be used up to 10 times, until all the leaves fall off.